【5月31日会议通知】The 8th RUSE (Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China) International Workshop

发布时间:2019-05-28 浏览量:200

The 8th RUSE (Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China) International Workshop


School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University

China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG), Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE), Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Journal of Regional Science

Economic Geography

International Regional Science Review

Annals of Regional Science

Growth and Change

Spatial Economic Analysis

Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

Journal of Urban Affairs

Workshop Overview

The 8th RUSE (Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economicsin China) International Workshop

May 31-June 1, 2019, Shanghai, China

The China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG),School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) & Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, together with Journal of Regional Science,International Regional Science Review,Economic Geography, Annals of Regional Science, Spatial Economic Analysis, Growth and Change, Journal of Urban Affairs,and Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciencesis pleased to welcome all participants to join this two-day workshop on Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics.

Following the tradition of seven highly successful workshops to date, we aim to continue toattracthigh-qualityresearchoutput,further increase the visibility of regional science, urban economics, and spatial economics in China, and reinforce the research network for top level China-focused scholars from across the globe.

We would like to thank our keynote speakers for their precious time and contribution, our conference participants for their generous sharing of ideas, and the scientific committee members for their strong supports. Additional appreciation goes to the local organizing committee members, supporting staff and studentvolunteers.

Enjoy the workshop and have a great time in Shanghai!


RUSE Local Organizing Committee

China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG), Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), founded in 1896, is one of the three oldest public universities in modern China. In the 1920s and 1930s, SJTU was crowned as the “oriental MIT” adapted and implemented the world’s most advanced teaching and research methods. Currently SJTU is one of the top universities in Mainland China with more than 20 colleges, 34000 students, half of which are graduate students and over 3000 faculty members. Over the past century, SJTU has educated over 200,000 graduates, who have spread across the world, including some world-famous names such as China’s former President Jiang Zemin, China’s Father of Space Technology Qian Xuesen as well as 3 recipients of the State Top Scientific and Technological Award, and more than 200 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG) is jointly run by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government with the support of the Shanghai Municipal Government, with the goal of building a world-renowned think tank with Chinese characteristics, a talent pool and a high-level international platform for exchange and cooperation. China Institute for Urban Governance will be committed to international exchange and cooperation, publicizing China's urban development path, philosophy and practice, enhancing China's international discourse right on urban governance and shaping China's discourse system on urban governance.

The School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), established in 2003 and located in the heart of downtown Shanghai, has developed itself into one of the most influential and international schools in political science and public administration in China. It is ranked as a top public policy school in China by the Chinese Ministry of Education. SIPA currently consists of four departments: Department of Comparative Politics, Department of Public Administration, Department of International Relations and Department of Public Economics & Social Policy. The school’s ongoing research programs focus on following areas: urban governance, political change in China, political economy, Chinese public policy analysis, urban public services, nongovernmental organization, Taiwan issues, theories of international relations, as well as public opinion survey and methodology.

The Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, founded in December 2013, is a research platform for economic policy studies. It has a group of outstanding researchers featuring recognized scholars from both inside and outside Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It aims to become one of the leading Chinese think tanks and provide theoretical and practical advices to China’s social and economic development. It also cultivates a research base for formulating public policies and actively promotes the establishment of economic policy research innovation system. In 2017, SHINE was named as the core think tank in China. This indicates that SHINE has become one of the most important economic policy think tanks in China that focuses on industrial development and innovation, macroeconomics, international finance, urban and regional economy.

Keynote Speakers(Alphabetical)

Brakman, Steven

Steven Brakman is Professor of International Economics at the faculty of Economics & Business at the university of Groningen. His main research areas are International Economics and Regional Economics. He is a research fellow of the CESifo institute in Munich, and co-editor of theJournal of Regional Science. He is academic partner of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy analysis, and member of the programme committee of Statistics Netherlands.

Faggian, Alessandra

Alessandra Faggian is Professor of Applied Economics, Director of Social Sciences and Vice Provost for Research at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy. She is also past President of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), current co-editor ofJournal of Regional Scienceand previous editor of the journalPapers in Regional Science. Dr Faggian’s research interests lie in the fields of regional and urban economics, demography, labour economics and economics of education. Her publications cover a wide range of topics including migration, human capital, labour markets, creativity and local innovation and growth. She has co-authored over 80 academic publications. Her articles have appeared in journals such as Oxford Economics Papers, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Feminist Economics, Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Regional Science and The Journal of Economic Geography. Alessandra is the 2007 recipient of the Moss Madden Memorial Medal by the Regional Science Association International: Irish and British section (RSAIBIS) for the best paper published in the year 2006 and the 2015 recipient of the Geoffrey Hewings Award by The North American Regional Council for outstanding research contribution by a young scholar in the field of regional science. In a recent ranking of the top 100 regional scientists in the world (Rickman and Winters, 2016), she was ranked 19th.

Folmer, Hendrik

Henk Folmer is professor of regional economics at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He is also affiliated with North West Agricultural and Foresty University, Yangling, as professor of general and environmental economics and econometrics. His main research interests are the integration of economics, psychology and sociology, environmental economics and (spatial) econometrics. He is editor ofTheInternational Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, together with Vic Adamowicz and Bernard Sincclair-Desgagne and ofLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, together with Amit Batabyal. Henk is founding father, first president and fellow of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, fellow of the Regional Science Association International, Renowned Overseas Scholar, Chinese Ministry of Education, Outstanding Foreign Expert, Shaanxi Province. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Some of his recent favourite publications are: Does air pollution affect happiness? The case of the Jinchuan mining area (with Z. Li and J. Xue),Ecological Economics, 2014; Determinants of residential satisfaction in urban China: A multi-group structural equation analysis (with H. Ren)Urban Studies, 2017; Revisiting cross-province energy intensity convergence in China: A spatial panel analysis (with L. Jiang, M. Ji and P. Zhou).Energy Policy, 2018; Bayesian spatiotemporal mapping of relative Dengue disease risk in Bandung, Indonesia (with I.G.N.M Jaya).Journal of Geographical Systems(forthcoming).

Lu, Ming

Ming Lu is Distinguished Professor of Economics, Director of Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE), and research fellow of China Institute of Urban Governance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is also an adjunct professor at Fudan University, Singapore Management University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. He worked as a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He has consulted for the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. His research covers labor economics, regional and urban-rural development, and Chinese economy. Recently, his work evaluates the urban and regional development policies, and their effects on resource allocation and economic sustainability.

Session Chairs and Roundtable Panelists(Alphabetical)

Chen, Jie

Jie Chen, Professor, Department of Public Economics and Social Policy at the School of International and Public Affair (SIPA) & China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG), Shanghai Jiao Tong University. BA(Fudan), Master(Oslo), PhD(Uppsala). He used to work as faculty at the Uppsala University, Fudan University, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE). His research area is urban and housing-related studies. His publications have appeared onUrban Studies, Housing Studies, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Small Business Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Economic Survey, Journal of Urban Affairs, Social Science Quarterly, Economic System, Annals of Regional Science, Habitat International, Journal of Contemporary Chinaand other international peer-reviewed journals. He is on Trustee Board of Urban Studies Foundation, and on the editorial Board of Housing Studies (SSCI). He is also a board member of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES), steering member of Asia-Pacific Network of Housing Research (APNHR) and Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC). He acts as Vice President of Shanghai Real Estate Economics Society (SREES). Professor Chen has received several national-level research grants including the China-UK (NSFC-ESRC) joint funding. He serves as an active policy advisor for China’s central and local governments. He has also worked as senior consultant for many international organizations including World Bank and Asia Development Bank.

Murray, Alan

Alan Murray (BS, MA, PhD University of California at Santa Barbara) is a Professor in the Department of Geography at University of California at Santa Barbara. His previous academic appointments include Drexel University, Arizona State University and Ohio State University. He is editor of International Regional Science Review, associate editor and/or editorial board member for a range of international journals, includingGeographical Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Transactions in GIS, Papers in Regional Science, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, and Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. His research and teaching interests include: geographic information science; spatial optimization; health informatics; urban growth and development; land use planning; urban, regional, and natural resource planning and development; and, infrastructure and transportation systems. He is the author of three books and more than 250 research articles, book chapters and proceedings papers. He has received a number of awards from the American Association of Geographers, is the recipient of the Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement as well as the Hewings Award for Outstanding Young Scholar from the North American Regional Science Council, and Fellow of the Regional Science Association International, among others.

Partridge, Mark

Mark Partridge is the Swank Chair of Rural-Urban Policy at Ohio State University and is affiliated with GSSI in Italy and Jinan University in China. He served twelve years as Co-Editor of the Journal of Regional Science, is Co-editor of Springer Briefs in Regional Science, and serves on a dozen other editorial boards. He has published nearly 150 academic journal papers and 60 other book chapters, briefs, and reports. He has published in leading journals such as theAmerican Economic Review, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics. He co-authored the bookThe Geography of American Poverty: Is there a Role for Place-Based Policy?Dr. Partridge frequently gives presentations and addresses to academic and practitioner groups around the world. Professor Partridge has received research funding from many sources including European Commission, U.S. National Science Foundation, and Canadian SSHRC. His research includes investigating poverty, inequality, and regional growth, and he is a leading rural policy expert. He is a Fellow and President of the Regional Science Association International and has received the prestigious NARSC Isard and Boyce Awards. He also served as NARSC Chair and NARSC President. Dr. Partridge is a Fellow and served as President of the Southern Regional Science Association.

van Dijk, Jouke

Dr. Jouke van Dijk is Professor of Regional Labour Market Analysis and chair of the Department of Economic Geography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen. He is also Chair of the Board of the Waddenacademie, that sets the agenda and coordinates research activities in the field of Ecology, Geology, Economics and Social Sciences in the UNESCO World Heritage Waddensea area. Van Dijk graduated in 1981 in Regional Science at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Groningen. In 1986 he obtained his doctoral degree on the thesis 'Migration and the Labour Market'.

His research has a strong focus on labour market issues like employment, unemployment, the dynamics of regional labour markets and migration. Other topics of interest are regional disparities, regional and labour market policy, policy evaluation, education and schooling, and extends to locational behaviour of firms and entrepreneurship and environmental and coastal zone management. The results of his work can be found in a broad variety of national and international journals and books. He supervised 20 PhD-students. The results of his work can be found in a broad variety of national and international journals and books. Jouke van Dijk serves several scientific journals as Editor, Member of the Editorial Board and as Editor-in-Chief of Papers in Regional Science. From 2014-2019 he served as President of the European Regional Science Association. His research is very well recognized by policy makers for providing useful insights for policy making.

For more information see: www.joukevandijk.nl


Dr. Xiaoling Zhang is Associate Professor in the Urban Research Group, Departmentof Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. She has a longstanding and interdisciplinary interest in sustainable urbanization. She has also engaged in reframing the theory of sustainable development, sustainability science and urbanization constrained by energy and resources, economic mechanism and management policy in the urban-rural transformation, urban infrastructure engineering management as well as resource/energy management and technical economy. This hasled to a total of 162 publications indexed by SCI/SSCI (with 125 papers’ IF>3.0), in which she was the first or corresponding author of 86 papers, and 78 of them goes to the JCR first zone (average IF=4.778), includingEnergy, Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Urban Studies, and Land Use Policy, etc. These papers have been cited by peer researchers for as many as 4259 times (Google Scholar index), and five of them were recognized as ESI Highly Cited Papers. And most importantly, one paper that she acted as one of the core authors has been published in Nature this year. Moreover, a book entitled ‘Remaking sustainable urbanism: space, scale, governance in the new urban era?’ has been published by her recently. In terms of academic influence, she has organized a session on “Social-environmental justice and sustainability” in the 2015 AAG Conference at Chicago and another one on “Urban inequality and unjust sustainability in China” at 2016 AAG in San Francisco. She used to be the Subject Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production (Theme: Regional Sustainable Development Initiatives and Transformations) during the period of 2015-2017. She has also led a good number of competitive research projects including two RGC grants and three NSFC grants and several invited keynote presentations at international conferences. Dr. Zhang was also the winner of the WCC Special Recognition Award 2018 (World Cultural Council), Outstanding Researcher Award for Junior Faculty 2017 and the President Award 2016 (City University of Hong Kong).

Scientific Committee(Alphabetical)

Chen, Anping

Jinan University, China

Chen, Jie

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Chen, Zhao

Fudan University, China

Coulson, Edward

University of California, Irvine, USA (Co-editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Elhorst, J. Paul

University of Groningen, Netherlands (Editor-in-Chief of Spatial Economics Analysis)

Folmer, Henk

Groningen University, Netherlands (Managing Editor of Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences)

Fu, Shihe

Xiamen University, China

He, Canfei

Peking University, China

Hua, Yue

Hunan University, China

Kohlhase, E. Janet

University of Houston, USA (Editor of Annals of Regional Science)

Murray, Alan

University of California at Santa Barbara, USA (Editor of International Regional Science Review)

Lu, Ming

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Partridge, Mark

Ohio State University, USA

Rickman, Dan

Oklahoma State University, USA (Editor of Growth and Change)

Rodriguez-Pose, Andres

London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (Editor of Economic Geography)

Saiz, Albert

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Van Dijk, Jouke

Groningen University, Netherlands (Associate Editor of Journal of Social and Economic Geography)

Frank Van Oort

Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Social and Economic Geography)

Zhao, Kent

Xiamen University, China

Zhang, Dayong

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China

Zheng, Siqi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA



Conference Guide

1.Conference Venue

This year our conference venue is the Xinjian Building(新建楼) and Xin Shang Yuan(新上院) located in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus).

Address:No.1954 Huashan Rd,XuhuiDistrict, Shanghai,China (上海市徐汇区华山路1954号)

2.Registration Fee and Payment

-For all non-student participants, there is a registration fee of 100 U.S. dollars for foreign participants or 650 RMB for domestic participants. (This registration fee is established to ensure attendance for the entire meeting and to cover the cost of registration and all meals).

-For all student presenters, there is NO registration fee.

(NOTE: “student presenters” refer to students that single-authored or made substantial contribution to the accepted paper)

3.Meals Arrangement



12:15pm-14:00pm FacultyClub教师活动中心


17:15pm-19:15pmFacultyClub 教师活动中心



12:00pm-13:30pmFacultyClub 教师活动中心


17:45pm-19:45pmFacultyClub 教师活动中心

4.Commuting to the Conference Venue

1)From Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport to Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Xuhui campus)

-take a taxi directly to Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityxuhui campus (10 kilometers) (approx.50RMB)

-take Metro Line No.10(地铁10号线)to Jiao Tong University Station Gate 4(交通大学站4号口),Shanghai Jiao Tong University is 100 meters across the street.

2)From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Xuhui campus)

-take a taxi directly to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (60 kilometers) (approx.250RMB)

-take Shanghai Maglev Express(磁浮快线) to Longyang Road Station(龙阳路站), then transfer to Metro Line No.2(地铁2号线) to Jiangsu Road Station (江苏路站), then transfer to Metro Line No.11(地铁11号线) to Jiao Tong University Station Gate 4(交通大学站4号口),Shanghai Jiao Tong University is 100 meters across the street.

3)From Shanghai Railway Station to Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Xuhui campus)

-take a taxi directly to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (8 kilometers) (approx. 40 RMB)

-take Metro Line No.1(地铁1号线)to South Shaanxi Road (陕西南路站), then transfer to Metro Line No.10(地铁10号线)to Jiao Tong University Station Gate 4(交通大学站4号口),Shanghai Jiao Tong University is 100 meters across the stree

4)From Shanghainan Railway Station to Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Xuhui campus)

-take a taxi directly to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (8 kilometers) (approx. 40 RMB)

-take Metro Line No.1(地铁1号线)to South Shaanxi Road (陕西南路站), then transfer to Metro Line No.10(地铁10号线)to Jiao Tong University Station Gate 4(交通大学站4号口),Shanghai Jiao Tong University is 100 meters across the stree

5)From Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Xuhui campus)

-take a taxi directly to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (16 kilometers) (approx. 70RMB)

-take Metro Line No.10(地铁10号线)to Jiao Tong University Station Gate 4 (交通大学站4号口),Shanghai Jiao Tong University is 100 meters across the stree.

5.Campus Map

6.Hotel Map


8.Contact Information


General Coordinator:



Transportation Affairs:

Dr. Zhang,Haiyong(张海永)

(86) 18005502809


Academic& Financial Affairs:

Mr. Wang,Zhen(王祯)

(86) 15000591696


Reception Affairs:

Mr. Wang,Wenjie(王文杰)

(86) 18789196531


Reception Affairs:

Mr. Gana

(86) 18601732215

Timetable at a Glance


Time:8:00am to 17:00pm, May 31;

Venue:Xinjian Building 319

Friday, May 31, 2019


Opening Ceremony


Xinjian Building 319





Welcome speech

Chen, Jie

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Opening Remarks

Wu, Jiannan

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Keynote Speech 1

Faggian, Alessandra

Gran Sasso Science Institute

What to do (if Anything) with Peripheral Areas: Some Reflections


Keynote Speech 2

Brakman, Steven

University of Groningen

An outsiders look on China; A regional perspective


Group Photo


Coffee Break

Parallel Group Discussions (3 papers per session)


Xinjian Building 223

Xinjian Building 233

Xinjian Building 237

Xinjian Building 238

Xinjian Building 239



Regional Economy

B1 Infrastructure and Industry


Urban Governance


Metroplis and New Urbanization Mode


Housing Market: Micro






B2 Transportation


Labor Market and Investment


Housing Market and Aggregate Economy


Housing Market and Financial Market





Urban Wellbeing

B3 Agglomeration and Urban Economy




Housing Policy


Land Market

Notice: Each paper is given 20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for comment and 5 minutes for free discussion.


Saturday, Jun 1, 2019

Parallel Group Discussions (JRS SI Sessions)


Xin ShangYuan N312

Xin ShangYuan N314

Xin Shangyuan S210



Industrial Economics


Regional Economy


Housing Market and Labor Market





Agglomeration and Urban Economy II


Migration II


Housing Market and Aggregate Economy II





Infrastructure and Urban Economy


Land Market II


Housing Market

Notice: Each paper is given 20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for comment and 5 minutes for free discussion.


Closing Ceremony


Xin ShangYuan N312


Chen, Zhao

Fudan University


Keynote Speech 3

Folmer, Hendrik

University of Groningen

The Impact of Home Ownership on Life Satisfaction in Urban China


Keynote Speech 4

Lu, Ming


Spatial Misallocation: the crux of China's economic slowdown


Panel Discussions

Chair by Chen, Jie


The Future of Regional and Urban Economics in China and World

Alessandra Faggian; Steven Brakman; Alan Murry; Hendrik Folmer; Jouke Van Dijk; Ming Lu; Xiaoling Zhang


Concluding Remarks

Chen, Jie




Parallel Session 1

Venue: Xinjian Building 223

Venue:Xinjian Building 233

Venue: Xinjian Building 237

A1: Regional Economy

B1: Infrastructure and Industry

C1: Urban Governance

Chair: Zhang, Xiaoling

Chair:Ni, Jinlan

Chair: Ballas, Dimitrios

030-Urban Development in China: On the Sorting of Skills

Jacobus Van Marrewijk

Utrecht University

Discussant:Zhong, Shihu

001-Heterogeneous Effects of Transport Infrastructure on City Growth:A Map-Based Approach

Mo, Jiawei

The University of Hong Kong

Discussant: Wei, Xin

065-Consumption-based Formation Mechanism and Driving Factors of China Province-level Carbon Emission Intensity

Chen, Xiangjie

Hunan University

Discussant: Li, Huiping

100-Economic complexity and regional labor productivity distribution: evidence from Italy

Cicerone, Gloria

Gran Sasso Science Institute

Discussant: Jacobus Van Marrewijk

039-Does History Matter? The Long-Term Impact of Treaty Ports on Urban Entrepreneurship

Yang, Huan

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Mo, Jiawei

110-Reducing Frictions in College Admissions: Evidence from the Common Application

Schiff, Nathan

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Chen, Xiangjie

123-Re-assessing the relationship between diversification effect and specialization effect on urban economy: the case of urban China

Zhong, Shihu

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Cicerone, Gloria

126-Administrative Division Adjustment and China's Industrial Growth

Wei, Xin

Peking University

Discussant: Yang, Huan

113-The Administrative Boundary Change and Public Service Provision: Do Cities Exploit the Counties?

Li, Huiping

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Schiff, Nathan



Parallel Group Discussions

























Parallel Session 1

Venue: Xinjian Building 238

Venue: Xinjian Building 239

D1: Metropolis and New Urbanization Mode

E1: Housing Market: Micro

Chair: Zhang, Kevin

Chair: Yang, Xiaodong

022-From City-State to City-Cluster to Metropolis -- Evolution of Urban System in Accordance with Three Stages of Regional Integration

Lu, Tianyi

Zhejiang University

Discussant:Sun, Yajie

013-Housing price, tenure choice and the household portfolio choice:micro level from China

Liu, Xiaoting

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Discussant:Liu, Caixia

076-Local Innovation in China’s New Urbanization Process – Characteristic Towns

Zhuo, Hejia

Zhejiang University

Discussant: Lu, Tianyi

021-Economic potential gain, Income Uncertainty and Rural Migrant’s Urban Homeownership: evidence from China

Chen, Jie

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Discussant:Liu, Xiaoting

102-The re-boom of resource exhausted cities

Sun, Yajie

National University of Signapore

Discussant: Zhuo, Hejia

070-Adaptive Reuse of Religious Heritage and Its Impact on House Prices

Liu, Caixia

Jinan University

Discussant:Chen, Jie



Parallel Session 2

Venue: Xinjian Building 223

Venue:Xinjian Building 233

Venue: Xinjian Building 237

A2: Migration

B2: Transportation

C2: Labor Market and Investment

Chair: Jacobus Van Marrewijk

Chair:Zhang, Ruda

Chair: Li, Huiping

056-Human capital agglomeration and labor migration in China

Niu, Geng

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Guo, Mengmeng

020-Do Subways Improve Labor Market Outcomes For Low-Skilled Workers?

Pang, Jindong

Wuhan University

Discussant: Yang,Xiaodong

025-Learning, Employment Spatial Distribution and Human Capital Accumulation in A Dualistic Economy

Liu, Yuwei

South China Normal University

Discussant: Su, Yaqin

085-Spatial features of migration in the city clusters in China: the reflections of stage theories of city agglomeration

Li, Sen

Fudan University

Discussant: Niu, Geng

079-A Study on the Heterogeneity of Chinese HSR Interregional Population Flow: Based on the Passenger Survey across Nanning-Guangzhou and Guiyang-Guangzhou HSR


Guangxi University

Discussant: Pang, Jindong

069-Marriage Market Versus Job Co-Location: Location Choices of Ph.D.-Trained Singles and Couples

Zhang, Xirui (Sherry)

Xiamen University

Discussant: Liu, Yuwei

127-Migration and Social Trust: An Empirical Study Based on CLDS 2014

Guo, Mengmeng

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Li, Sen

080-Traffic Congestion Costs and Residential Location Choice


Harbin Institute of Technology

Discussant: Niu,Xiaotong

121-Wage Versus Environment: Evidence from Big Data on the City Choice of Online Job Seekers in China

Su, Yaqin

Hunan University

Discussant: Zhang, Xirui (Sherry)


Parallel Session 2

Venue: Xinjian Building 238

Venue: Xinjian Building 239

D2: Housing Market and Aggregate Economy

E2: Housing Market and Financial Market

Chair: Chen, Junhua

Chair: Hu,Mingzhi

018-The Wealth Effect of Household Expectation on Household Portfolio: Evidence from Housing Market

Deng, Xiaoying

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Meng, Lina

048-Dismembered Giants:Bank Mergers and Acquisitions, Branch Divestitures, and Housing Markets

Zhang, Yunqi

Nankai University

Discussant:Ma, Chao

117-The impact of universities on housing prices: Evidence from urban China

Zhou, Qian

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Deng, Xiaoying

061-Capital Mobility, Financial Constraints, and Capital Intensity in China

Zhao, Kent

Xiamen University

Discussant:Zhang, Yunqi

138-Housing boom and baby burst: evidence from the conditional two-child policy in China

Meng, Lina

Xiamen University

Discussant: Zhou, Qian

096-Securitizing the Delay Risk of Mortgage Receivables: A Financial Innovation in China’s Real Estate Market

Ma, Chao

Xiamen University

Discussant:Zhao, Kent



Parallel Session 3

Venue: Xinjian Building 223

Venue:Xinjian Building 233

Venue: Xinjian Building 237

A3: Urban Wellbeing

B3: Agglomeration and Urban Economy

C3: Trade

Chair: Guo, Mengmeng

Chair:Yao, Li

Chair: Su, Yaqin

116-Longitudinal Evidence on Social Trust and Happiness in China: Causal Effects and Mechanisms

Lu, Haiyang

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Discussant:Ballas, Dimitrios

043-City Size and Innovation: Evidence from Urban China

Deng, Nanxin

The Ohio State University

Discussant: Ho,Chun-Yu

084-Trade War and Regional Industrial Upgrading in China: Evidence from Panel Data in 2005-2015

Zhang, Kevin

Illinois State University

Discussant: Pan, Yuhang

136-Do agglomeration economies matter in subsequent inequality in China?

Jamal Khan

Wuhan University

Discussant: Lu, Haiyang

073-City Size and Entrepreneurship

Zheng, Liang

Central University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Deng, Nanxin

103-Export diversification in China: traditional exporters vs born globals

Hu, Xuqian

Peking University

Discussant:Zhang, Kevin

148-The Economic Geography of Happiness and Well-being

Ballas, Dimitrios

University of Groningen

Discussant: Jamal Khan

143-Agglomeration Economies in Creative Industries


University at Albany, SUNY

Discussant:Zheng, Liang

139-Trade Openness, Pollution, and Growth: Evidence from China, 1998-2008

Pan, Yuhang

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Discussant: Hu, Xuqian


Parallel Session 3

Venue: Xinjian Building 238

Venue: Xinjian Building 239

D3: Housing Policy

E3: Land Market

Chair: Meng, Lina

Chair: Zhao, Kent

026-Detecting Intra-Urban Housing Market Spillover in Beijing by a Data-Oriented Spatial Markov Chain Model

Zhang, Xiaoqi

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Wang, Rui

036-Land Financing Mode and Urban Expansion: Evidence from 33 Key Cities in China

Chen, Junhua

Central University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Huang, Zhonghua

042-Tax Evasion, Capital Gains Taxes, and the Housing Market

Li, Keyang

Tsinghua University

Discussant: Zhang, Xiaoqi

060-Hometown Favoritism, Land Allocation and Development

Huang, Zhonghua

Zhejiang University of Technology

Discussant:Chen, Junhua

062-The Effects of Home Purchase Restrictions on Local Housing Markets in China

Wang, Rui

Johns Hopkins University

Discussant: Li, Keyang



Parallel Group Discussions (JRS SI Sessions)



















Parallel Session 4

Venue: Xin ShangYuan N312

Venue:Xin ShangYuan N314

Venue:Xin Shangyuan S210

A4: Industrial Economics

B4: Regional Economy

C4: Housing Market and Labor Market

Chair: Zhang, Cui

Chair:Hu, Wanyang

Chair: Wu, Yan

057-Geographic Clustering and Resource Reallocation Across Firms in Chinese Industries

Yang, Xiyi

Shanghai Tech University

Discussant:Hua, Yue

038-Do not put eggs in one basket related variety and regional economic resilience in the post-crisis era

He, Canfei

Peking University

Discussant: Shao, Xuanxuan

015-Hukou-based labor market discrimination and migrant entrepreneurship

Hu, Mingzhi

Jinan University

Discussant:Ning, Guangjie

082-Investigating the Effects of Market Segmentation on Firm Survival and Their Heterogeneities in China

Li, Lixia

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Yang, Xiyi

067-Giving a Fish or Teaching to Fish? National Poverty-stricken Counties and Economic Development

Wang, Wenyu

Peking University

Discussant: He, Canfei

024-Destination Homeownership and Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China

Rong, Zhao

Nanjing Audit University

Discussant: Hu, Mingzhi

118-Environmental Effects of Place-Based Policy: Evidence from Industrial Parks in Urban China

Hua, Yue

Hunan University

Discussant: Li, Lixia

104-Spatial Structure of Urban Economic and Population Networks and Their Affecting Factors in China

Shao, Xuanxuan

Renmin University of China

Discussant: Wang, Wenyu

105-Does Home-ownership Impair Employment? Evidence from Migrant Data in Transitional China

Ning, Guangjie

Shandong University

Discussant: Rong, Zhao



Parallel Session 5

Venue: Xin ShangYuan N312

Venue:Xin ShangYuan N314

Venue:Xin Shangyuan S210

A5: Agglomeration and Urban Economy II

B5: Migration II

C5: Housing Market and Aggregate Economy II

Chair: Hua, Yue

Chair:Fu, Shihe

Chair: Ning, Guangjie

011-Skill diversity of cities and entrepreneurship

Zhang, Cui

Jinan University

Discussant:Groenewold, Nicolaas

051-Migration Intention of Highly Skilled Migrants: the Role of Stress Perception of Housing Price

Li, Huiting

Wuhan University

Discussant: Hu, Wanyang

005-Housing Prices, Credit Constraint and Trade Imbalances in China: An Intertemporal Approach

Chen, Qiuyu

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Wu, Yan

035-The Role of High-speed Railway in Facilitating Venture Capital Mobility

Duan, Liaoliao

Tsinghua University

Discussant: Zhang, Cui

095-The welfare effect and wider impact of regulating low-skilled migration

Chang, Huibin

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Li, Huiting

012-Housing Supply Constraints, Industrial Life Cycle and Innovation Deagglomeration

Wang, Qiao

Southeast University

Discussant: Chen, Qiuyu

064-The regional resilience of China’s provinces: The response to the growth slowdown

Groenewold, Nicolaas

University of Western Australia

Discussant: Duan, Liaoliao

133-Inclusive or selective? Assessing the role of internal migration policy in urban economic development

Hu, Wanyang

University of Macau Discussant: Chang, Huibin

120-Beyond the collateral channel: Real estate price and firm investment in China

Wu, Yan

Nanjing Audit University

Discussant: Wang, Qiao


Parallel Session 6

Venue: Xin ShangYuan N312

Venue:Xin ShangYuan N314

Venue:Xin Shangyuan S210

A6: Infrastructure and Urban Economy

B6: Land Market II

C6: Housing Market

Chair:Groenewold, Nicolaas

Chair:Chang, Huibin

Chair:Rong, Zhao

014-Resource Flow or Yardstick Competition: Spatial Dependence of Educational Expenditure among Prefecture-level Cities

Teng, Yu

Zhejiang University


087-Government’s learning behavior in urban land supply: Evidence from China

Wu, Shuping

Tsinghua university

Discussant: Zhao,Aidong

041-Competition of Real Estate Brokers and Housing Prices

Qiu, Leiju

Central University of Finance and Economics

Discussant:Fan, Gangzhi

125-Does China Fall into Poverty-Environment Traps? Evidence from Long-term Income Dynamics and Urban Air Pollution

Wu, Jianxin

Jinan University

Discussant: Teng, Yu

111-Agricultural Land and Occupational Choices: Evidence from Rural China

Xiao, Wei

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Discussant: Wu, Shuping

046-Spatial mismatch: Housing Prices and City Residential Segmentation

Han, Libin

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Discussant: Qiu, Leiju

130-Flying High in the Sky: the Airports Decentralization Reform and Regional Economic Development in China


Sun Yat-sen University

Discussant: Wu, Jianxin

132-How does market structure affect land pricing? Evidence from China


Radboud University

Discussant: Xiao, Wei

147-Dependent Structures of Housing Markets: Evidence from Three Main Economic Circles of China

Fan, Gangzhi

Guangzhou University

Discussant: Han, Libin

List of Conference Participants






Mo, Jiawei

PhD candidate

The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Business and Economics


Chen, Qiuyu

PhD candidate

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Finance


Zhang, Cui

Associate Professor

Jinan University

Department of Economics


Wang, Qiao

PhD candidate

Southeast University

School of Economics and Management


Liu, Xiaoting

Graduate Student

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

School of Economics and Management


Teng, Yu

Graduate Student

Zhejiang University

Public Affairs


Hu, Mingzhi


Jinan University

Department of Economics


Deng, Xiaoying

Assistant Professor

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Department of Investment


Pang, Jindong

Assistant Professor

Wuhan University

Department of Economics


Lu, Tianyi

Graduate Student

Zhejiang University

School of Economics


Rong, Zhao

Associate Professor

Nanjing Audit University

Insitute of Urban Development


Liu, Yuwei

Assistant Professor

South China Normal University

School of Economics and Management


Zhang, Xiaoqi

Assistant Professor

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

School of Finance


Van Marrewijk, Jacobus


Utrecht University

Department of Economics


Duan, Liaoliao

PhD candidate

Tsinghua University

Construction Management


Chen, Junhua


Central University of Finance and Economics

Department of Urban and Real Estate Management


He, Canfei


Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences


Zhu, Shengjun

Assistant Professor

Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences


Yang, Huan

Associate Professor

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Urban and Regional Science


Qiu, Leiju

Assistant Professor

Central University of Finance and Economics

China Center for Internet Economy Research


Li, Keyang

PhD candidate

Tsinghua University

Department of Construction Management



PhD candidate

The Ohio State University

Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics


Han, Libin


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Antai College of Economics and Management



Assistant Professor

Nankai University

School of Finance


Li, Huiting

Graduate Student

Wuhan University

School of Civil Engineering


Niu, Geng

Associate Professor

Southwestern University of Finance & Economics

Research Institute of Economics and Management


Yang, XiYi

Assistant Professor

ShanghaiTech University

School of Entrepreneurship and Management


Huang, Zhonghua


Zhejiang University of Technology

School of Management


Zhao, Kent

Associate Professor

Xiamen University

Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics


Wang, Rui

Associate Professor

Johns Hopkins University

School of Advanced International Studies


Groenewold, Nicolaas


University of Western Australia

Department of Economics


Chen, Xiangjie

PhD candidate

Hunan University

School of Economics and Trade


Wang, Wenyu

PhD candidate

Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences


Zhang, Xirui (Sherry)

Assistant Professor

Xiamen University

School of Economics, Public Finance & WISE


Liu, Caixia

PhD candidate

Jinan University

School of Economics


Zheng, Liang

Associate Professor

Central University of Finance and Economics

Department of Urban and Real Estate


Zhuo, Hejia

PhD candidate

Zhejiang University

School of Public Affairs


Niu, Xiaotong


Guangxi University

Department of Applied Economics




Harbin Institute of Technology

School of Civil Engineering


Li, Lixia

PhD candidate

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Urban and Regional Science


Zhang, Kevin


Illinois State University



Li, Sen

Graduate Student

Fudan University

School of Social Development and Public Policy


Yao, Li

Assistant Professor

Zhejiang Gongshang University

School of International Business


Wu, Shuping

PhD candidate

Tsinghua university

Department of construction management


Chang, Huibin

Assistant Professor

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Institute for Advanced Economic Research


Ma, Chao

Assistant Professor

Xiamen University

Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) and School of Economics


Cicerone, Gloria


Gran Sasso Science Institute

Social Science Unit


Sun, Yajie


National University of Signapore

Department of Real Estate


Hu, Xuqian

PhD candidate

Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences


Shao, Xuanxuan

Graduate Student

Renmin University of China

Institute of Regional and Urban Economics


Ning, Guangjie


Shandong University

School of Business


Schiff, Nathan

Associate Professor

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Economics


Xiao, Wei

Associate Professor

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Research Institute of Economics and Management


Li, Huiping

Associate Professor

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Public Economics and Administration


Lu, Haiyang

Associate Professor

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

School of Public Administration


Zhou, Qian


Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Shanghai Development


Hua, Yue

Associate Professor

Hunan University

School of Economics and Trade


Wu, Yan

Assistant Professor

Nanjing Audit University

Institute of Urban Development


Su, Yaqin

Associate Professor

Hunan University



Zhong, Shihu

PhD student

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Public Economics and Administration


Wu, Jianxin

Associate Professor

Jinan University

School of economics


Wei, Xin


Peking University

Guanghua School of Management


Guo, Mengmeng

Associate Professor

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Research Institute of Economics and Management


Wei Zou

PhD student

Sun Yat-sen University

School of Government


Yi, Chengdong


Central University of Finance and Economics

School of management science and engineering


Ma, Xianlei


Nanjing agricultural University

College of Public Administration


Zhao, Aidong

PhD candidate

Radboud University

Geography, Planning and Environment


Hu, Wanyang

Assistant Professor

University of Macau

Department of Government and Public Administration


Jamal Khan

PhD candidate

Wuhan University

Institute for the Development of Central China


Meng, Lina

Assistant Professor

Xiamen University

School of Economics


Pan, Yuhang

PhD candidate

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Division of Environment and Sustainability



Assistant Professor

University at Albany, SUNY

Department of Economics


Fan, Gangzhi


Guangzhou University

School of Management


Ballas, Dimitrios


University of Groningen

Department of Economic Geography


Ni, Jinlan


University of Nebraska at Omaha & Nanjing Audit University



Assistant Professor

Nanjing Audit University

Institute of Urban Development



Faggian, Alessandra


Gran Sasso Science Institute

Social Science Unit


Brakman, Steven


University of Groningen

Global Economics &Management


Folmer, Hendrik


University of Groningen

Faculty of Spatial Sciences


Murray, Alan


University of California, Santa Barbara

Department of Geography


Partridge, Mark


The Ohio State University

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


van Dijk, Jouke


University of Groningen

Department of Economic Geography


Zhang, Xiaoling

Associate Professor

City University of Hong Kong

Department of Public Policy


He, Shenjing


University of Hong Kong

Department of Urban Planning and Design


Liu, Zhi


Peking University

Lincoln Institute Center


Fu, Shihe


Xiamen University

School of Economics


Chen, Zhao


Fudan University

School of Economics


Wu, Jiannan


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG)


Lu, Ming


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE)


Chen, Anping


Jinan University

School of Economics


Chen, Jie


Shanghai Jiao Tong University





Associate Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG)



Assistant Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)




Shanghai Jiao Tong University

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)



PhD candidate

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)



Graduate Student

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)



Graduate Student

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)



PhD candidate

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Public Economics and Administration



PhD candidate

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Public Economics and Administration



PhD candidate

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

School of Public Economics and Administration


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