
发布时间:2019-05-28 浏览量:187







张晓玲博士,香港城市大学博士生导师,副教授(Tenured, 终身教职), 香港城市大学深圳研究院研究员,现任Sustainable Earth (Springier Nature, BMC)的联合主编,曾任SCI/SSCI收录期刊《Journal of cleaner production》副主编 (Associate Editor),负责区域可持续发展与转型方面的审稿工作。她对城镇化及城镇化发展过程中的资源环境问题具有浓厚的研究兴趣,并长期致力于重构可持续发展理论、能源与资源环境约束下的可持续发展科学及城镇化、城乡发展的经济机制与管理政策、房地产政策、土地政策及制度创新、城市基础设施工程管理、资源/能源管理与技术经济等方面的研究工作。已发表SCI/SSCI期刊论文162篇(影响因子大于3.0的有125篇;SCI他引1730次),总计被引4441次(参照Google Scholar),ESI高被引论文5篇;作为核心作者之一在《Nature》发表论文1篇,以第一作者/通讯作者发表在《Energy》《Applied energy》《Renewable and sustainable energy reviews》《Urban studies》《Land use policy》等主流学术期刊(JCR一区)78篇(平均单篇影响因子4.778);并于2019年初出版题为《重建可持续城市化:空间,规模,新城市时代的治理?》的重要著作。在学术影响力方面:她曾于2015和2016年分别在芝加哥和旧金山的AAG会议上组织关于“社会 - 环境正义与可持续性”和“中国的城镇化不均等和不公正的可持续性”专场研讨会;她现在正在主持多项激烈竞争性的重要研究项目,包括两项香港研究局(RGC)项目和三项国家自然科学基金项目(含一项重点项目);更被多次邀请在重要国际会议进行主旨发言。此外,张教授还曾获得2018 WCC特别表彰奖(世界文化联合会)、香港城市大学2017年杰出青年研究员奖、2016年校长嘉许奖等诸多业内嘉奖。

Dr.Xiaoling Zhang is Associate Professor in the Urban Research Group, Department ofPublic Policy, City University of Hong Kong. She has a longstanding and interdisciplinaryinterest in sustainable urbanization. She has also engaged in reframing the theoryof sustainable development, sustainability science and urbanization constrainedby energy and resources, economic mechanism and management policy in the urban-ruraltransformation, urban infrastructure engineering management as well as resource/energymanagement and technical economy. Thishas led to a total of 162 publications indexed by SCI/SSCI (with 125 papers’ IF>3.0),in which she was the first or corresponding author of 86 papers, and 78 of themgoes to the JCR first zone (average IF=4.778), includingEnergy,Applied Energy,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Urban Studies, andLand Use Policy,etc.These papers have been cited by peer researchersfor as many as 4259 times (Google Scholar index), and five of them were recognizedas ESI Highly Cited Papers. And most importantly, one paper that she acted as oneof the core authors has been published inNaturethis year. Moreover, a book entitled ‘Remakingsustainable urbanism: space, scale, governance in the new urban era?’ has been publishedby her recently. In terms of academic influence, she has organized a sessionon “Social-environmental justice and sustainability” in the 2015 AAG Conferenceat Chicago and another one on “Urban inequality and unjust sustainability in China”at 2016 AAG in San Francisco. She used to be the Subject Editor ofJournal ofCleaner Production(Theme: Regional Sustainable DevelopmentInitiatives and Transformations) during the period of 2015-2017. She has alsoled a good number of competitive research projects including two RGC grants andthree NSFC grants and several invited keynote presentations at international conferences.Dr. Zhang was also the winner of theWCC Special Recognition Award 2018(World Cultural Council),Outstanding Researcher Award for Junior Faculty2017and thePresident Award 2016(City University of Hong Kong).



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