【5月29日讲座】伦敦大学学院(UCL)巴雷特规划学院院长Nicholas Mark Gallent教授: England's Housing Cost Crisis—Assets and Homes in a Changing Economy

发布时间:2019-05-28 浏览量:182

讲座题目:England's Housing Cost Crisis—Assets and Homes in a Changing Economy

主讲人:Nicholas Mark Gallent教授,伦敦大学学院(UCL)巴雷特规划学院







Nicholas Mark Gallent教授是伦敦大学学院(UCL)巴雷特规划学院院长、教授,英国社会科学院院士。研究城市规划、乡村社区和住房政策的国际著名学者。他的职业生涯始于威尔士大学,1995年以农村住房供应以及新兴的“规划和经济适用住房”机制的有效性为主题完成博士论文研究。然后,他在英国卡迪夫大学和曼彻斯特大学进行科研工作和教学。他是一名地理学家,分别于2002年和2007年被选为英国皇家城镇规划研究所和皇家特许测量师学会的特许会员。他于2014年成为RICS研究员,2015年成为英国社会科学院院士(AcSS),并于2017年成为RTPI研究员。他拥有一系列专业兴趣,目前担任RTPI合作与认证小组主席。直到2013年,他一直担任城乡规划协会政策委员会的当选成员。他是英国众多有关规划,农村社区和住房政策的书籍的作者或编辑。最近的作品包括《政治、规划和住房供应》(与Nicole Gurran和Rebecca Chiu合著,Routledge 2016),《Routledge农村规划协会手册》(与Mark Scott和Menelaos Gkartzios合著,Routledge,2019)和《谁的住房危机?》(Policy出版社,2019年)。

Nicholas Mark (Nick) Gallent is Professor of Housing and Planning and Head of the Bartlett School of Planning at UCL. He began his career at the University of Wales, completing doctoral research into the supply of housing in rural areas and the effectiveness of emergent 'planning and affordable housing' mechanisms, in 1995. He then worked at Cardiff and Manchester Universities before taking up a lectureship at UCL in 1999. He is a geographer by training and was elected a Chartered Member of both the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 2002 and 2007 respectively. He became a RICS Fellow in 2014, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in 2015 and a Fellow of the RTPI in 2017. He maintains a range of professional interests and is currently Chair of the RTPI's Partnership and Accreditation Panel. He served, until 2013, as an elected member of the Town and Country Planning Association's Policy Council. He is the author or editor of numerous books on planning, rural communities and housing policy in the UK. Recent works include Politics, Planning and Housing Supply (with Nicole Gurran and Rebecca Chiu, Routledge 2016), The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning(with Mark Scott and Menelaos Gkartzios, Routledge, 2019) and Whose Housing Crisis? (Policy Press, 2019).


讲座为全英文。英格兰,尤其是伦敦,仍然处于住房成本危机之中,这一危机的特点是房价中位数和工作场所收入之间的比例非常高。尽管收益停滞不前,房价在过去十年仍在继续上涨。危机的根源在于个人和经济体与住宅财产共存的问题关系。住房的社会目的,作为家庭,经常被置于其经济功能背后,作为资产,能够对抗弱势养老金或个人投资和股权释放的来源,或保证公共收入增加,维持消费者信心并提供证据'经济增长。英国的经济 - 以及英国其他地区的经济 - 几十年来一直处于远离制造业的漫长过渡期。它现在依赖于服务,特别是与房地产消费和债务生产相关的金融服务。在本演讲中,演讲人将简要介绍这种转变并检查相关的住房结果。二十世纪住房的重新运作是导致巨大社会不平等的一个原因,因为住房成为一个停放和提取财富的地方。如何应对这种不平等以及规划在提供更公平的结果和重新确定住房社会功能优先顺序方面可以发挥什么作用?

England, and especially London, remains in the grip of a housing cost crisis marked by extraordinary ratios between median house prices and work place earnings. House prices have continued to rise over the last decade despite a stagnation in earnings. At the root of the crisis is the problematic relationship that individuals and economies share with residential property. Housing’s social purpose, as home, is frequently relegated behind its economic function, as asset, able to offer a hedge against weakening pensions or source of investment and equity release for individuals, or guarantee rising public revenues, sustain consumer confidence and provide evidence of ‘growth’ for economies. England’s economy – along with that of the rest of the UK-has been on a long transition away from manufacturing for several decades. It is now reliant on services and particularly the financial services associated with real estate consumption and debt production. In this presentation, I will briefly trace that transition and examine associated housing outcomes. The re-functioning of housing in the twentieth century is a cause of great social inequality, as housing becomes a place to park and extract wealth. What can be done to address this inequality and what role might planning play in delivering fairer outcomes and in re-prioritising housing’s social function?

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