
发布时间:2019-04-03 浏览量:204

讲座主题:Contextualizing the Political Outcome of Economic Changes

演讲嘉宾:唐敏副教授 上海财经大学政治学研究所

主持人:陈慧荣副教授 BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网

时间:2019年4月10日 (周三)12:00-14:00





唐敏博士现为上海财经大学政治学研究所副教授,特任研究员。他的研究兴趣围绕威权国家的政治动态这一主题,涉及比较政治学和中国政治的多个领域,包括民主化、政治传播、政治态度和政治行为等。他的最新研究成果发表在Political Research Quarterly, Government and Opposition, Studies in Comparative International Development, Political Studies, British Journal of Political Science等国际期刊。


A conventional argument in political science is that economic development promotes democratic transitions. This literature has paid inadequate attention to 1) the role of preexisting political economic structure, 2) short-time economic shocks, and 3) micro-mechanisms of aggregate political changes. This talk addresses such theoretical and empirical problems through introducing a stream of research that focuses on the engagement of the state in the economy. It contains the content of five articles by the speaker and his coauthors.

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