RUSE 2019 Call for Papers

发布时间:2019-01-21 浏览量:213

Call for Papers (3nd Round)

The 8th RUSE (Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China) International Workshop

May 31-June 1, 2019, Shanghai, China

The China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG),School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) & Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, together withJournal of Regional Science,International Regional Science Review,Economic Geography, Annals of Regional Science, Spatial Economic Analysis, Growth and Change, Journal of Urban Affairs,andLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciencesare pleased to announce that we are jointly organizing the 8th RUSE(Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics in China) International Workshop at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus) during May 31-June 1, 2019.

Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to have the following distinguished keynote speakers:

Steven Brakman, Professor of International Economics, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Co-Editor ofJournal of Regional Science)

Alessandra Faggian, Professor of Applied Economics, Director of Social Sciences, Vice Provost for Research, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Palazzo del Rettorato, Italy (Co-Editor ofJournal of Regional Science)

Henk Folmer, Professor ofSpatialEconometrics, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Managing Editor ofLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciences).

Ming Lu, Distinguished Professor of Economics and Executive Director of Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

(others to be announced soon)

More information will be posted on:

Paper Submission and Registration

Following the tradition of previous highly successful workshops to date, we aim to continue to attract high-quality research output, further increase the academic visibility of regional, urban, and spatial issues in China, and reinforce the research network for top level China-focused scholars from across the globe. We welcome submissions on the following themes:

Urbanization and migration;

Urban growth, dynamics and transformation;

Urbanpolicyand its assessment;

Urban network and spatial interdependencies;

Urban governance and its optimization, including community governance;

Housing issues: supply, demand, prices, affordability and policies;

Firm and household location decisions;

Regional growth and development;

Agglomeration and new economic geography;

Transportation: its management and socio-economic impacts

Other topics on regional, urban and spatial issues in China

For those who are interested in presenting a paper in the workshop, please submit in English a draft paper or an extended abstract (roughly200-500words, identifying the research question clearly and presenting basic results) through email toRUSE2019@outlook.comand cc, mentioning “paper submission for RUSE2019” in the subject headline of the email.

Thesubmission deadlineisFebruary 1st, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be sent out byMarch 1st, 2019 and a complete paper in English is due on April 15, 2019.

For non-student participants, there isa registration fee of 100 U.S. dollars for foreign participants or 650 RMB for domestic participants. (This registration fee is established to ensure attendance for the entire meeting and to cover the cost of registration and all meals).

No registration fee will be charged on student presentersDetails on the payment of registration fee will be sent once your paper has been accepted for presentation. Participants need to pay their own cost of accommodation and transportation.

Special Issue Possibilities

TheJournal of Regional Science(SSCI indexed)andLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciences(Scopus indexed) will both have a special issue for this workshop. All papers submitted to the workshop will be considered for the special issue, and the selected papers will receive invitations for submission to the special issue. These submissions will go through the normal anonymous review process.


Journal of Regional Science(JCR 2017 Impact factor 2.243, Ranking: 65/353 in Economics, 19/57 in Planning & Development) publishes original analytical research at the intersection of economics and quantitative geography. The JRS continues to publish work that advances our understanding of the geographic dimensions of urban and regional economies, human settlements, and policies related to cities and regions. See more journal details.

Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciencespublishes high-quality, shorter papers (generally under 10 pages in length) on new theoretical or empirical results, models and methods in social sciences that contain a spatial dimension. See more journal details.

In addition, editors or chief editorial board members fromJournal of Regional Science, International Regional Science Review, Economic Geography, Annals of Regional Science, Growth and Change, Spatial Economic Analysis, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of Social and Economic Geography, and Letters in Spatial and Resource Scienceswill attend the workshop. They welcome submissions that fit those journals.

Local Organization Committee

For further inquiries, please contact any member of Organization Committee.

Chair: Jie Chen, Professor, SIPA, K. Wah Professor of CIUG, Shanghai Jiao Tong


Associate Professor Chuanyong Zhang,CIUG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.;

Dr. Haiyong Zhang, Postdoctoral fellow,CIUG, Shanghai Jiao Tong;

Miss, Boming, Xie. Research Assistatnt, CIUG, Shanghai Jiao Tong 0086-21-62934788.

Local Organizers

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University

China Institute for Urban Governance (CIUG), Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE), Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Further Information

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), founded in 1896, is one of the three oldest public universities in modern China. In the 1920s and 1930s, SJTU was crowned as the “oriental MIT” adapted and implemented the world’s most advanced teaching and research methods. Currently SJTU is one of the top universities in Mainland China with more than 20 colleges, 34000 students, half of which are graduate students and over 3000 faculty members. Over the past century, SJTU has educated over 200,000 graduates, who have spread across the world, including some world-famous names such as China’s former President Jiang Zemin, China’s Father of Space Technology Qian Xuesen as well as 3 recipients of the State Top Scientific and Technological Award, and more than 200 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

TheChina Institute forUrban Governance (CIUG) isjointlyrunby Shanghai Jiao Tong University and theDevelopment Research CenterofShanghai Municipal People's Governmentwith the support of the Shanghai Municipal Government,with thegoalofbuildinga world-renowned think tank with Chinese characteristics, a talent pool andahigh-levelinternational platformforexchange and cooperation.China Institute forUrban Governance will be committed to international exchange and cooperation, publicizingChina's urban development path, philosophy and practice, enhancingChina's international discourseright onurban governanceandshaping China's discourse systemonurban governance.

The School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), established in 2003 and located in the heart of downtown Shanghai, has developed itself into one of the most influential and international schools in political science and public administration in China. It is ranked as a top public policy school in China by the Chinese Ministry of Education. SIPA currently consists of four departments: Department of Comparative Politics, Department of Public Administration, Department of International Relations and Department of Public Economics & Social Policy. The school’s ongoing research programs focus on following areas: urban governance, political change in China, political economy, Chinese public policy analysis, urban public services, nongovernmental organization, Taiwan issues, theories of international relations, as well as public opinion survey and methodology.

The Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, founded in December 2013, is a research platform for economic policy studies. It has a group of outstanding researchers featuring recognized scholars from both inside and outside Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It aims to become one of the leading Chinese think tanks and provide theoretical and practical advices to China’s social and economic development. It also cultivates a research base for formulating public policies and actively promotes the establishment of economic policy research innovation system. In 2017, SHINE was named as the core think tank in China. This indicates that SHINE has become one of the most important economic policy think tanks in China that focuses on industrial development and innovation, macroeconomics, international finance, urban and regional economy.


Journal of Regional Science

Economic Geography

International Regional Science Review

Annals of Regional Science

Growth and Change

Spatial Economic Analysis

Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

Journal of Urban Affairs


Scientific Committee

Chen, Anping,Jinan University,China.

Chen, Jie,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Chen, Zhao,Fudan University,China.

Coulson, Edward,University of California, Irvine, USA(Co-editor of Journal of Regional Science).

Elhorst, J. Paul,University of Groningen,Netherlands(Editor-in-Chief of Spatial Economics Analysis).

Folmer, Henk,Groningen University,Netherlands(Managing Editor of Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences).

Fu, Shihe,Xiamen University,China.

He, Canfei,Peking University, China.

Hua, Yue,Hunan University, China.

Kohlhase, E. Janet,University of Houston, USA (Editor ofAnnals of Regional Science).

Murray, Alan,University of California at Santa Barbara, USA (Editor of International Regional Science Review).

Lu,Ming,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Partridge, Mark,Ohio State University,USA.

Rickman, Dan,Oklahoma State University,USA(Editor of Growth and Change).

Rodriguez-Pose, Andres,London School of Economics and Political Science,UK(Editor ofEconomic Geography).

Saiz, Albert,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

Van Dijk, Jouke,Groningen University,Netherlands(Associate Editor of Journal of Social and Economic Geography).

Frank Van Oort,Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Social and Economic Geography)

Zhao, Kent,Xiamen University,China.

Zhang, Dayong,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,China.

Zheng, Siqi,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA.


Previous Workshops

2012, Jinan University, Guangzhou

2013, Peking University, Beijing

2014, Fudan University, Shanghai

2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing

2016, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu

2017, Xiamen University, Xiamen

2018, Hunan University, Changsha

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