【12月20日讲座】美国克拉克大学经济系张俊富教授:土地转用与中国城市间的用地资源错配(Land Conversion and Misallocation across Cities in China)

发布时间:2018-12-10 浏览量:196

讲座题目:土地转用与中国城市间的用地资源错配(Land Conversion and Misallocation across Cities in China)




讲座地点:上海交大徐汇校区 新建楼239会议室



The Chinese government has been using quotas to control the amount of farmland that can be converted for urban uses in different cities every year. Using a sample of more than 1.5 million land-lease transactions during 2007-2016, we document facts on land conversion for urban development in China. We present evidence that land conversion quotas have been increasingly misallocated across cities in that a growing share of land conversion is occurring in less productive cities. A city-level production function is estimated for counterfactual analysis. Based on estimated parameters, we assess the economic losses from misallocation of land across cities in China and calculate the potential gains from reallocating land quotas to regions or cities where urban land is more productive. We also discuss policy options to improve efficiency.


张俊富教授,是美国克拉克大学经济学教授,中国人民大学学士、约翰霍普金斯大学经济学博士,主要擅长城市与区域经济学。他的研究包括中国城镇化、区域发展、创业和工作机会创造、高科技产业的集聚、居住隔离等。他在Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistic等经济学国际顶尖及知名期刊发表论文多篇。张俊富教授是中国留美经济学会(CES)的下任主席(2019-2020)

Junfu Zhang is a professor of economics at Clark University, specializing in urban and regional economics. His research interests include urbanization in China, regional development, entrepreneurship and job creation, high-tech industrial clusters, and racial housing segregation. He has published his work in academic journals such as the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics. Zhang received a B.A. from Renmin University of China and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, both in economics. He was a dissertation fellow at the Brookings Institution during 2000-2001. Before joining Clark University in 2006, he worked as a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. He has been an IZA research fellow since 2007.

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