【11月23日讲座】美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校经济系Michael Alexeev教授:机构与人才资源配置:俄罗斯的经验(Institutions and the allocation of talent: evidence from Russian Regions)

发布时间:2018-11-08 浏览量:159

讲座题目:Institutions and the allocation of talent: evidence from Russian Regions

主讲人:Michael Alexeev, 美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校经济系教授



讲座地点:上海交大徐汇校区 新建楼239会议室


Michael Alexeev是美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校经济系教授。主要研究制度经济学、法与经济学、经济转型、财政联邦等。他在经济学国际顶尖期刊发表论文多篇。

Michael Alexeev is Professor of Economics at Indiana University in Bloomington. He received his PhD in Economics from Duke University in 1984. Previously he taught at George Mason University and was a visiting faculty at Duke University and University of California (Berkley). His research and teaching interests lie mostly in the fields of institutional economics, law and economics, and economics of transition. Recently he has also been interested in resource economics and fiscal federalism. Dr. Alexeev's research has appeared in Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review as well as other general and field journals.


讲座主要是关于制度和机构如何影响俄罗斯青年人才的职业选择,演讲人建构了一个理论模型,并基于俄罗斯2011-2014年的微观数据进行实证检验。Strong institutions attract talent to productive activities, whereas weak ones raise the appeal of redistribution and rent-seeking. We propose a theory that describes the impact of institutions on occupational choices and shows that more talented individuals are particularly sensitive in their career choices to the quality of institutions. To test these predictions empirically, we use a unique micro data set describing the choices of fields of studies by newly enrolled university students in Russian regions in 2011-2014. We show that the popularity of sciences and engineering among Russia's youth with higher ability as measured by the United State Examination scores increases in the quality of regional investment climate, whereas for law and public administration this relationship is negative. This confirms that investments in human capital reflect the quality of institutions, pointing to a mechanism connecting institutions to economic outcomes.

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