【4月27日讲座】菲律宾De La Salle大学两位学者讲座通知

发布时间:2018-04-23 浏览量:194

演讲主题:Soft Power in Asia: Emerging Trends and Impacts


Jazmin Badong Llana菲律宾De La Salle大学文学院院长,副教授

Ron Vilog菲律宾De La Salle大学国际交流处,副教授


时   间:2018年4月27日10:30-11:30

地   点:上海交大徐汇校区新建楼239会议室


Hallyu, the Korean Wave, has been sweeping across Southeast Asia, its success gargantuan, its fandom counted in the millions.The Korean culture industry definitively and programmatically churns out K dramas as commodities meant to be consumed by its target market, meant to lure and entrap viewers and create networks of loyal followers or fans by its technologies of manufacturing affect. Some studies on Hallyu have remarked that this is a deployment of ‘soft power’ by South Korea that is linked to reported increases in tourist arrivals and the flourishing and expansion of Korean markets for its export products, notably in the cosmetics, garments, and food industry, not to mention the entertainment products themselves. The talk is a sharing on some preliminary reflections on ‘soft power’ in Asia, focused on Hallyu and the economies of exchange instantiated by it among the fans of K Drama.

How does soft power evolve in Asia? Conceptual debates on diaspora diplomacy become moreintriguingas migrants become instrumental in promoting state images. This presentation focuses on the general features of soft power as it evolves within the region and beyond. It also explores how soft power is projected through migration and transnationalism in Asia.


Jazmin Badong Llanais an associate professor of drama, theatre, and performance at De La Salle University, where she is also the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. She is a member of the PSi Board of Directors, serving as its Membership Officer.

Ron Vilog is an associate professor at the International Studies Department of De La Salle Univesity.

菲律宾De La Salle大学(德拉萨大学)创立于1911年,位于马尼拉的市区,是菲律宾国内排名第一的私立院校,同时也是菲律宾一流的贵族基督学校。该校设有本科、硕士、博士专业,本科专业设有会计、广告管理、应用经济学、生物化学、生物学、商业管理、化学工程、传媒、计算机工程、儿童早期教育、经济学、历史、人类生物学、营销管理、物理、化学、数学、文学、心理学、中级教育等;硕士专业包括会计、应用经济学、应用神学、行为科学、生物学、工商管理、土木工程、金融、经济、教育、咨询、历史、市场营销、社会学等;博士专业设有:应用语言学、应用神学、生物学、商业管理、计算机科学、经济学、法学、物理、科学教育等。学校以培养未来社会中具有领导力的人才为目标,将现代化的教学与基督教的教义相结合,特别强调将学生个人的发展与社会、经济、基督教的发展相结合。德拉萨大学在菲律宾大学排名中位居三,其商学院在全球教育商学院排名网国家商学院排名中位居第二。

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