【9月11日讲座】伦敦大学学院Nicholas Phelps教授:Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-Suburban Future

发布时间:2017-08-24 浏览量:202

讲座题目:Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-Suburban Future(郊区化的后续:初见美国后郊区的前景)

讲座嘉宾:尼古拉斯·菲尔普斯教授,伦敦大学学院(University College London,UCL)副校长、巴特莱特规划学院区域规划与经济发展首席教授

Speaker: Professor Nicholas Phelps, Pro-vice-Provost, Chair Professor, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL




嘉宾简介:Nicholas Phelps是UCL巴特莱特规划学院的城市与区域发展首席教授。他的研究主要包括全球郊区化和城市边缘的规划与治理、跨国公司经济的发展与地理组织,尤其关注亚洲区域的城市发展研究。他也是英国科学院、英国经济与社会研究理事会、国家地理探索等科研项目的主持人。他的学术著作和论文发表非常丰富,包括Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,Urban Studies, Political Geography, Environment and Planning C等国际顶尖期刊。他的最近著作包括《Interplaces: An Economic Geography of the Inter-urban and International Economies》,《Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-Suburban Future》。

讲座梗概:在二十世纪后半叶,郊区作为一种“空间修复”,促使美国城市的发展模式不断在国内外蔓延。当时的郊区治理主张全面现代化,导致许多非规划性结果的出现。 这些郊区问题一方面与能源耗费紧密关联,影响环境可持续发展与城市现代化进程;另一方面,阻碍了地方经济发展与国家经济发展。因此,如何改进郊区治理已经成为美国本世纪社会发展的最大挑战之一。随着全球化进程的推进,美国郊区化模式在各地区不断复制,如何改进郊区治理也成为各国终要面临的问题。本次讲座将通过三个深度案例分析来探讨美国新一轮郊区治理的问题与预期。这三个案例分别是:迈阿密大都市圈的Kendall-Dadeland,这里曾是新城市主义的实验地;华盛顿的边缘城市Tysons Corner,这里正在进行大规模的新型城市治理;芝加哥的外郊区Schaumburg,这里原本被特别规划为新城。本研究通过分析这些案例,探讨美国后郊区化背景下的城市治理以及郊区产业发展的动力。

Introduction of Seminar:

The outer suburbs were the ‘spatial fix’ that fuelled the domestic and international expansion of American capitalism in the second half of the twentieth century. They were thoroughly modern in their conception and planning and yet they have had unintended consequences. They pose problems in terms of the environmental sustainability of urbanisation in the United States given the energy consumption associated with them. They also may represent something of a barrier to further local and national economic development. As such, retrofitting of suburbia is considered the major challenge of this century in American society. It may also be a major challenge that other nations will eventually have to face – since the American suburban model is now being widely exported. This presentation charts some of the problems and prospects for a re-working of America’s suburban landscape. It focuses on three case studies: Kendall-Dadeland in the Miami metropolitan area which is a past experiment with new urbanism; Tysons Corner near Washington DC where it is hoped that that mass transit will help fashion a city from an edge city, and; Schaumburg near Chicago which was an outer suburb deliberately designed as a new kind of city. The cases reveal just a glimpse of a post-suburban America but also the formidable strength of suburban business as usual.

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