【5月31日讲座】Marja Elsinga教授:住房产业是推动经济发展和社会融合的动力

发布时间:2017-05-22 浏览量:215


主讲人:Marja Elsinga,荷兰Delft科技大学住房和城市治理系教授,同济大学建筑和城市规划系的兼职教授


讲座时间:2017年5月31日 上午10点至11点半


嘉宾简介:Marja Elsinga教授任职于Delft科技大学住房和城市治理系,同时也是同济大学建筑和城市规划系的兼职教授。她是住房和福利政策研究方面的专家,在国际学术期刊上发表众多,并在多本国际期刊担任编委会成员。

讲座梗概:住房政策对于社会可持续发展和社会融合很重要。本讲座会介绍欧洲福利国家在住房方面的经验和教训,以及在全球范围内福利住房(affordable housing)所面临的问题。此外,非正规住房在全球范围很常见,这给无法住在正规住房里的人群提供了选择。那么政府应该如何应对这些非正规住房?此次讲座会给出答案。

Short bio

Marja Elsinga is full professor Housing Institutions & Governance at Delft University of Technology. She is an expert in comparative housing research and has years of experience in leading international and interdisciplinary teams. Her core expertise is the link between housing and welfare: how housing can contribute to sustainable and inclusive societies. She is supervising PhD-students from several continents all dealing with research questions on institutions and governance of adequate affordable housing in their country. She is teaching housing issues in bachelor and master tracks and in the graduate school for Architecture and the Built Environment in Delft University of Technology as well as in the master track in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University in Shanghai. She has published widely on housing issues and is member of several editorial and expert boards. https://www.tudelft.nl/bk/over-faculteit/hoogleraren/profdrir-mg-elsinga/

Abstract lecture

Housing markets are dynamic and can contribute to creating bubbles and making them burst. Therefore housing markets are of huge importance for economies. At the same time housing policies are of key importance to making societies sustainable and inclusive. Access to housing is a key requirement for in particular vulnerable households to be part of and to contribute to societies. Her lecture is about how governments and societies can deal with housing as driver for inclusiveness.

Professor Elsinga will deal with experiences from welfare states in Europe and lessons learned. She will highlight and explore current issues in affordable housing around the globe and how to deal with them. She will discuss aims and instruments of formal housing policies and also address informal housing as a world wide solution for those excluded from formal housing options. How should government’s deal with these informal solutions? Professor Elsinga will conclude that governments cannot ignore the importance of housing for sustainable and inclusive societies.

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