【11月10日讲座】Robert Ross教授:The U.S. Election and the East Asian Policy Challenge for the Next U.S. President

发布时间:2016-11-07 浏览量:191

Topic:The U.S. Election and the East Asian Policy Challenge for the Next U.S. President

Guest Speaker: Robert Ross, Professor of Political Science, Boston College

Moderator: Zhong Yang, Cheung Kong Scholar Distinguished Professor and Dean, School of International and Public Affairs at SJTU

Language: English

Time: 16:00 p.m.-17:30 p.m., Nov 10, 2016

Venue: Room 307, Jixie Building, Xuhui Campus of SJTU

Robert S. Ross is Professor of Political Science at Boston College and Associate, John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University.In 1994-1995 he was Fulbright Professor at the Chinese Foreign Affairs College, in 2003 he was a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of International Strategic Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, and in 2014 was Visiting Scholar, School of International Relations, Peking University. In 2009 he was Visiting Scholar, Institute for Strategy, Royal Danish Defense College. From 2009-2014 he has been Adjunct Professor, Institute for Defense Studies, Norwegian Defense University College. His recent publications include Chinese Security Policy and China in the Era of Xi Jinping: Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges, co-edited with Jo Inge Bekkevold. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Group, U.S.-China Working Group, United States Congress; the Council on Foreign Relations; and the National Committee for U.S.-China Relations.

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