【11月7日讲座】赵穗生教授:The US responses to the New Model of Major Power Relations and American Reflection on the Engagement Policy toward China

发布时间:2016-11-03 浏览量:197

Topic:The US responses to the New Model of Major Power Relations and American Reflection on the Engagement Policy toward China

Guest speaker:Suisheng Zhao,Professor of Chinese politics and foreign policy at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies; Director of the school's Center for China–US Cooperation;The founding editor and the editor-in-chief of the multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary China

Moderator:LIN Gang, Distinguished Professor of School of International and Public Affairs at SJTU


Time:10:00 a.m.-11:30a.m. Nov 7, 2016

Venue:Room 307, Jixie Building, Xuhui Campus of SJTU







嘉宾简介:赵穗生现任美国丹佛大学约瑟夫.科贝尔国际关系学院终身职正教授兼美中合作中心主任,亚太安全合作理事会美国委员会董事会董事,哈佛大学费正清中心研究员,美中关系全国委员会委员,英文<当代中国>双月刊 (收录SSCI,最新影响因子2014为1.085) 主编,中华人民共和国国务院侨办海外专家咨询委员会委员, 中华人民共和国教育部海外名师,北京大学、中国人民大学、北京国际关系学院,上海复旦大学,上海外国语大学等国内大学荣誉或兼职教授,曾任美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所国家研究员,华盛顿学院政治系副教授,柯比学院政府系助理教授,副教授。赵穗生教授拥有美国加州大学政治学博士、硕士,密苏里大学社会学硕士,北京大学经济学学士和硕士. 1985年来美国前, 赵穗生教授曾任职于国务院经济研究中心, 财政部外事财务司, �

��京大学南亚研究所等单位. 赵穗生教授出版了十余部英文著作,包括《权力的设计》、《东亚权争》、《邓小平时代的决策过程》、《穿越台湾海峡》、《中国外交政策》、《民族国家的建立》、《中国民主的前景》、《中国政治改革辩论》、《转型中的中美关系》、《中美在东北亚的竞争与合作》, 《中国发展模式探索:超越北京共识》, 《中国与东亚区域主义:经济与安全合作和机制构建》, 《中国能源安全:国内因素与国际影响》, 《中国的崛起与中美关系的转型》 等。他的50多篇英文学术与政策论文发表于《华盛顿季刊》、《威尔逊季刊》、《政治学季刊》、《中国季刊》等。

Abstract: After President Xi Jinping proposed a new model of big power relations to free China and the US from the so-called “Thucydides trap” of the established power and the emerging power colliding inexorably, the US has responded positively the goal because it resonates with the long-standing US effort to peacefully integrate China into the existing international system. But the US has disagreed with China about how to reach the goal because the US are reluctant to go along with such lofty rhetoric and prefer to work with China on concrete issues to avoid an implicit acceptance of China's conception of core interests. Seeing a rising China creating anxiety among neighboring states and attacking western values, many in the US have found undesirable outcomes in their reflection on the past 40 years of engagement with China and, therefore, called for a return to containment. But containment is not a viable option for the US, just like dominance cannot be a viable objective o

f China either. China and the US have to work together to prevent their rivalry from boiling over into a new Cold War.


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