【11月10日讲座】Prabhat Kumar Datta教授等:印度城市化进程中的社区参与、NGO与可持续发展

发布时间:2016-11-03 浏览量:199

讲座信息:Community Participation in Urban Development Programme Implementation in India :Some Lessons from Practices【社区参与在印度城市化进程中的表现——来自实践的启示】

The Role of The NGOs in Sustainable Development : Case Studies from an Indian state【非政府组织在可持续发展中的作用——来自印度某邦的案例研究】

主讲嘉宾:Prabhat Kumar Datta,印度加尔各答发展研究所/加尔各答大学公共行政系,荣誉教授

Uttam Kumar Bhattacharya,加尔各答发展研究所经济学副教授






嘉宾简介:Prabhat Kumar Datta,he is Centenary Chair Professor of Public Administration, Department of Political Science, Calcutta University(Retired in 2014). Currently, He is adjunct Professor, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata( funded by the Government of West Bengal as a Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences), Visiting Professor, Institute of Engineering and Management Kolkata, Honorary Advisor, State Institute of Panchayats and Rural Development, [SIPRD] Government of West Bengal.

【Prabhat Kumar Datta是印度加尔各答大学政治学公共行政系世纪教授(2014年退休)。 目前,他是加尔各答发展研究所助理教授(以社会科学卓越中心的称号受西孟加拉邦政府资助),并在加尔各答工程和管理研究所做访问学者,他还是西孟加拉邦政府州立乡村委员会和农村发展研究所荣誉顾问。】

Uttam Kumar Bhattacharya, he is Guest Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengaland Department of Commerce, Midnapore and Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. At present working as an Associate Professor of Economics and teaching the M. Phil (Development Studies) students at the IDSK; subjects: Indian economy, industrial development, institutions, labour, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Indian research and development. Also selected as Ph.D thesis Examiner.

【Uttam Kumar Bhattacharya在加尔各答维德雅瑟格大学,西孟加拉邦商业部,Midnapore and Rabindra Bharati University大学,担任经济学系客座教师。目前他是经济学副教授,在加尔各答发展研究所为学生授课,已被选为博士论文评审。其研究主题有:印度经济,工业发展,制度,劳动,知识产权以及印度的研究与开发。】

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