【10月26日讲座】Christopher Walker:Policy tools and regulation: challenges and options for motivating individual and firm compliance

发布时间:2016-10-17 浏览量:200

主讲嘉宾 Guest Speaker:Christopher Walker, PhD,Head of School,School of Social Sciences;University of New South Wales, Australia

讲座时间 Time:16:00-17:00, 26 Oct, 2016

讲座地点 Venue:R309, Ji Xie BLDG, Xuhui Campus

主持人:Moderator:LIU Bangcheng


Biography:Christopher Walker is Head of the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia. He has extensive research, teaching and leadership experience in the fields of policy analysis, regulation and compliance. He has held senior management and executive positions in numerous public sector agencies including health, transport and Premier & Cabinet. Most recent research projects have examined the transfer and adaption of policy and regulatory practices in the Australian trucking sector to countries such as South Africa and Sweden. This, with other contemporary work on global policy transfer is reported in his forthcoming edited book; Hadjiisky, M., Pal, L. A., & Walker, C. (Eds.) (forthcoming 2017). The Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects of Policy Transfers. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Christopher is active in executive education and researches the teaching and development of policy practitioner skills. He holds an adjunct appointment with the Australian New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) and is involved in the delivery of their executive teaching and workshop programs designed for senior and entry level public servants. Christopher’s work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Policy Studies, Australian Journal of Public Administration and Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.


Abstract:The administrative structures and institutions of government are extensively involved in the delivery of services to individuals and organisations. This may include for example, schools and other educational services, health services, policing, national security and the provision of public infrastructure such as water, power and roadways. Another critical activity of governing involves the development of policy, law and regulation that may guide, direct and restrict the behavior of individuals and firms in certain ways (Baldwin and Cave, 1999). This may involve, for example the regulation and policing of behavior around safety, environmental performance, financial activity and transactions, and public behavior. A key challenge for the policy and regulatory agencies of government is to develop methods, systems and tools that are effective and efficient in motivating individuals and firms to comply with policy expectations and regulatory requirements (Freiberg, 2010). The standard approaches of policing, surveillance and enforcement are constantly challenged by the innovative behavior of others in learning how to get around the rules or avoid detection (Ayres and Braithwaite, 1992). Traditional policing and enforcement of regulatory standards is expensive for governments and often inefficient. Motivating others to willingly comply with the rules and regulatory standards of an industry is an important, efficient and cost effective strategy. However, the methods and tools available for regulatory agencies are limited and remain relatively underdeveloped (Walker, 2016). Drawing principally on examples from the trucking industry, this seminar explores the usual challenges regulatory agencies face in motivating individuals and firms to comply with rules and standards and looks at innovative options and policy tools that are being developed to strengthen and motivate self- regulation and compliance (Walker, 2014).

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