【10月13日国是高峰论坛】南非驻沪总领事Thabo THAGE:SA-ChinaRelations, Towards Common Prosperity

发布时间:2015-10-10 浏览量:310

讲座主题:SA-China Relations, Towards Common Prosperity
讲座嘉宾:MrThabo THAGE,Consul General of South Africain Shanghai
讲座梗概:Historically,nations have tended to forge relations on the basis of geostrategic interestsaligned along common ideology. But, particularly with globalization and the endof the Cold War, another trend has asserted itself in international relations:growing ties between countries belonging to different socio-political systemsand divergent historical and cultural experiences.
The newly emerging centres of power and influence, such asthe BRICS are opening new possibilities for global exchange, as well asplatforms for exchanging views towards ensuring a reform of global systems inthe current reality such as the G77 + China and FOCAC,. Their rise andincreased influence has injected a new dynamism in international relations,overcoming set norms, forging new partnerships. These shifts in the world orderfrom a bipolar to a multipolar world system offer a lot of scope for expandingthe realm of cooperation between countries. These new circumstances form animportant backdrop for examining the fast developing relationship between Chinaand South Africa.
The thrust of the lecture will focus on SA-China relationsthat are borne of the solidarity of purpose that resulted from the convergenceof viewpoints in the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid struggles. The lecturewill attempt to reflect on the strong and the vibrant relations between theSouth Africa and China and how these could translate into improved economicrelations. CG Thage will seek to unpack the various mechanisms, instruments andpillars which have underpinned the relationship between both countries, whileredefining a strategic partnership for the future that translates into deepenedrelations whose purpose is towards a common Prosperity.
嘉宾简介:Mr Thabo Thage, a career diplomat, has worked at the South African Department ofInternational Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) for the past fourte

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