
发布时间:2015-04-13 浏览量:406

讲座题目: 中国对越自卫反击战决策考量
讲座时间:2015年4月15日下午 6:00 – 8:00
讲座地点:交大徐汇校区新建楼 3003会议室

The surprise Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979 shocked the international community. The two communist nations had seemed firm political and cultural allies, but the twenty-nine-day border war imposed heavy casualties, ruined urban and agricultural infrastructure, leveled three Vietnamese cities, and catalyzed a decade long conflict. In this groundbreaking book, Xiaoming Zhang traces the roots of the conflict to the historic relationship between the peoples of China and Vietnam, the ongoing Sino-Soviet dispute, and Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's desire to modernize his country. Deng's perceptions of the Soviet Union, combined with his plans for economic and military reform, shaped China's strategic vision. Drawing on newly declassified Chinese documents and memoirs by senior military and civilian figures, Zhang takes readers into the heart of Beijing's decision-making process and illustrates the war's importance for understanding the modern Chinese military, as well as China's role in the Asian-Pacific world today.

张晓明教授为美国空军战争学院教授。1994年获得爱荷华大学历史学博士学位,目前主要开设国际战略、中国和东亚研究方面的课程。张晓明教授著有《中国、苏联和朝鲜空战》(China, the Soviet Union and the Air War in Korea,Texas A&M University Press, 2002),在《中国季刊》(China Quarterly), 《冷战研究》(Journal of Cold War Studies), 《冲突与安全研究》( The Journal of Conflict Studies Security Studies),和《军事历史》( The Journal of Military History)等SSCI核心期刊发表过多篇学术论文章。其中,其学术论文曾两度荣获《军事历史》杂志颁发的“蒙卡多奖”(Moncado Prize)。其新书《邓小平的战争:中越军事冲突1979-1990》(Deng Xiaoping's Long war: Sino-Vietnam Military Conflict, 1979-1990)于2014年由北卡罗来纳大学出版。这本书与陈兼《中国走向朝鲜战争之路》、翟强《中国与越南战争》并称为中国对外战争三部曲。关于该书的具体信息详见美国亚马逊网站。

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