【讲座】欧洲学院校长Rector Jorg Monar:European Studies as a field of teaching: challenges and opportunities

发布时间:2015-03-26 浏览量:340

讲座名称:EuropeanStudies as a field of teaching: challenges and opportunities

主讲人:RectorJorg Monar (President, College of Europe)




欧洲学院(The College of Europe),位于比利时名城布鲁日,是专注欧洲事务研究的研究生教育学术机构,同时也是欧盟的重要智库和欧洲未来政治家的摇篮。欧洲学院有知名政治家到访演讲的传统,我国国家主席习近平于2014年4月1日访问欧洲学院,并向全校师生做中欧关系主题演讲。


European Studies have an important-and evenvital-role to play in preparing the young generation for responsibilities incross-border cooperation within and with Europe.

The recent sovereign debt/Eurozone criseshave made this task more-not less-important as it as crucial as ever tounderstand the challenges of diversity and contribute to effective cooperationsolutions.

The vocational challenges of EuropeanStudies are more important-and urgent-to address than the intellectual ones asthe health of a field of studies depends on whether it can prepare students forthe careers they are hoping for.

Those understanding and being able tomanage European diversity challenges will always have their place incross-border cooperation within and with Europe -and can benefit us all.

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