【讲座】Comparative Public Sector Reform – Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges

发布时间:2014-11-09 浏览量:338

讲座主题:Comparative Public Sector Reform: Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges 

主讲嘉宾:Professor Tom Christensen, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo 


地点:新建楼3005 (大会议室) 


Tom Christensen is Professor of Public Administration and Policy at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, but also Adjunct Professor at University of Bergen and City University of Hong Kong. His current research interests deals with comparative public sector reforms, in particular accountability questions, in policy areas like welfare, immigration, university governance, hospitals, policy, security management, etc. Among his recent publications are: The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management (2012), coedited with P.Lægreid; ‘Global Ideas and Modern Public Sector Reforms: A Theoretical Elaboration and Empirical Discussion of a Neoinstitutional Theory’. American Review of Public Administration 2012, 42(6): 635-653, and ‘New Public Management and Beyond – the Hybridization of Public Sector Reforms’, in G.Drori, M.Høllerer and P.Walgenback (eds)(2013), Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management: Perspectives on Globalization’.   

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