讲座:“Australia-China Relations and the US Factor”

发布时间:2014-05-13 浏览量:284



主讲嘉宾(Guest Speaker): JingdongYUAN, Ph.D. (袁劲东博士),Associate Professor, Centre for International Security Studies and Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney (Australia), academic member, China Studies Centre.袁劲东博士,悉尼大学政府与国际关系系,国际安全研究中心副教授;中国研究中心成员。


主持人(Moderator):白永辉教授(Jean-Marc F. Blanchard),BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网院长助理和教授;跨国公司研究中心执行主任(Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of International and Public Affairs Assistant Dean and Professor; Executive Director, Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations)






主讲人简介(Bio):Dr. Yuan specializes in Asia-Pacific security, Chinese defense and foreign policy, Sino-Indian relations, and global and regional arms control and non-proliferation issues.  Between 1999 and 2010, he held various appointments at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, including as Director of the Nonproliferation Education Program and East Asia Nonproliferation Program, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, and Associate Professor of International Policy Studies.  He is co-editor ofAustralia and China at 40(University of New South Wales Press, 2012) and co-author ofChina and India: Cooperation or Conflict?(Lynne Rienner, 2003).  His publications have appeared inAsian Survey,Asian Perspective, International Politics, Jane’s Intelligence Review, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of International Affairs,Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Nonproliferation Review,The Washington Quarterly, and many edited volumes.


讲座内容简介(Abstract):Sino-Australian relations have experienced significant growth in diplomatic, economic and security ties over the past four decades. The general trends have been positive, especially in the economic area, where the two countries have developed strong and mutually beneficial interdependence. China has become Australia’s largest trading partner and its growing demands for resources will continue to affect Australian economic wellbeing. Australia in turn has become a major destination for Chinese tourists and choice for higher education. Canberra has played an important role in encouraging and drawing China into regional multilateral institutions such as APEC, and the two countries have cooperated on major international and regional issues. However, bilateral relations periodically encounter difficulties and occasionally suffer major setbacks, largely due to differences in ideologies, socio-political systems, such as the Tibet, Taiwan, and human rights issues, and emerging challenges ranging from cyber security to geo-strategic shift in the region, marked by China’s rise and the US rebalancing to Asia.



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