【6月15日讲座】密歇根大学政治学系Dan Slater教授:Context, Control, and Critical Junctures in Comparative Politics

发布时间:2019-06-11 浏览量:186

讲座题目:Context, Control, and Critical Junctures in Comparative Politics

主讲人:Dan Slater,密歇根大学政治学系Ronald and Eileen Weiser冠名教授





Dan Slater教授目前是密歇根大学政治学系Ronald and Eileen Weiser冠名教授。他博士毕业于美国埃默里大学,曾在芝加哥大学任教。Dan Slater教授是东南亚问题专家,他的研究发表在一流的政治学期刊,如:American Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, Perspectives on Politics, and World Politics。Slater教授也擅长于社会科学方法论,在芝加哥大学任教期间他曾任芝加哥大学国际社会科学研究中心主任。他的一本编著Southeast Asia in Political Science: Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis由斯坦福大学出版社于2008年出版,这本书主要探讨的是东南亚研究对比较政治学理论的贡献。


The most persuasive critical juncture arguments have always paid more attention to deeper local and historical contexts than discussions of the method in the abstract have readily allowed. More explicit attention to these deeper contexts would strengthen the critical juncture method as a central approach in the comparativist’s toolkit. While control can still play a helpful role in evaluating and properly weighting alternative explanations, it does not eliminate those rival explanations as thoroughly as is often supposed. More to the point, control plays iterally no role in establishing one’s own causal argument. Yet context, we argue, does.

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