




陈杰,BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网公共经济与社会政策系长聘教授,BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网住房与城乡建设研究中心主任。复旦大学经济学学士、挪威奥斯陆大学经济学硕士、瑞典乌普萨拉大学经济学博士。曾任教于瑞典乌普萨拉大学住房与城市研究所(IBF)、复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系(2006-2013)、上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院投资系(2013-2018)。主持完成和在研国家级课题7项(其中国家自科6项,含国际合作重点项目1项)。在国际权威及知名学术期刊发表SSCI期刊论文50余篇,在国内权威及核心期刊发表CSSCI论文60多篇,出版中英文著作6部,获上海市决策咨询一等奖、山东省社科优秀成果一等奖等省部级科研获奖9次。中国城市百人论坛成员,城市研究国际基金会(USF)理事,亚太住房研究网络(APNHR)执委会成员、中国城市研究网络(UCRN)执委,国际区域研究协会(RSA)中国分会副理事长,中国城市经济学会城市可持续建设与管理专委会副主任委员。担任Housing Studies等国际期刊的编委或国际顾问。住房和城乡建设部科技委员会住房和房地产专业委员会委员,经常性为中央和地方政府提供政策咨询、立法论证和受邀撰写内参报告。在《人民日报》等权威及重要媒体发文数十篇,多个国际国内重要媒体特约评论员。中国房地产估价师和房地产经纪人学会副会长,世界银行和亚洲开发银行咨询专家,城市土地学会(ULI)中国大陆区顾问。上海市曙光学者、上海市住房保障和房屋管理行业首批领军人才。连续多年为爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(公共管理)2020-2022。多篇论文入选ISI高水平论文。



1.2020.01-2023.12, 主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“中国城镇住房制度变迁对居民福祉的影响研究:理论机制、效应评估与政策优化”(项目批准号:NSFC71974125)。 

2.2017.01-2019.12,主持国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与英国经济和社会研究理事会(ESRC)联合资助项目“中国城市发展的金融化趋势及金融风险”(基金批准号:NSF 71661137004)。资助金额:200万元。英方合作单位首席专家:伦敦大学学院(UCL)讲座教授吴缚龙教授。 







1. Chen, Jie., Hu, Mingzhi. and Lin, Zhenguo. 2022. ‘China’s Housing Reform and Labor Market Participation’, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. doi: 10.1007/s11146-021-09827-3.

2. Chen, Jie, Xiaoxin Guo, and Shihu Zhong*. 2022. “The Financialization of Urban Development and Urban Labour Productivity: Evidence from China.” Regional Studies, 56 (8): 1295–1307. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2022.2030055.

3. Chen, Jie, Yu Chen, Robert J. Hill, and Pei Hu. 2022. “The User Cost of Housing and the Price-Rent Ratio in Shanghai.” Regional Science and Urban Economics: 103738. doi: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2021.103738.

4. Chen, Jie, Xin Qi, Zhenguo Lin, and Yidong Wu. 2022. “Impact of Governments’ Commitment to Housing Affordability Policy on People’s Happiness: Evidence from China.” Housing Policy Debate 32 (4–5): 622–41. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2021.1921826.

5. Zou, Jing, Jie Chen*, and Yu Chen. 2022. “Hometown Landholdings and Rural Migrants’ Integration Intention: The Case of Urban China.” Land Use Policy 121 (October): 106307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106307.

6. Deng, Kuang Kuang, Jie Chen*, Zhenguo Lin, and Xianling Yang. 2022. “Differential Selling Strategies Between Investors and Consumers: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market.” Journal of Real Estate Research, 44(1):80–105. doi:10.1080/08965803.2021.2008609.

7. Wu, Fulong, Fenghua Pan, and Jie Chen. 2022. “Financialization under State Entrepreneurialism in China.” Regional Studies 56 (8): 1237–43. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2022.2051471.

8. Chen, Jie, Fulong Wu, and Tingting Lu*. 2022. “The Financialization of Rental Housing in China: A Case Study of the Asset-Light Financing Model of Long-Term Apartment Rental.” Land Use Policy, 112(Jan): 105442. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105442. (2022年度ISI高被引论文)

9. Chen, Jie*, and Fulong Wu. 2022. “Housing and Land Financialization under the State Ownership of Land in China.” Land Use Policy, 112(Jan): 104844. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104844. (2022年度ISI高被引论文)

10. Chen, Jie, and Mingzhi Hu*. 2021. “City-Level Hukou-Based Labor Market Discrimination and Migrant Entrepreneurship in China.” Technological and Economic Development of Economy: 27(5): 1095–1118. doi: 10.3846/tede.2021.15006.

11. Chen, Jie, Xiaoxin Guo, Haozhi Pan*, and Shihu Zhong. 2021. “What Determines City’s Resilience against Epidemic Outbreak: Evidence from China’s COVID-19 Experience.” Sustainable Cities and Society 70: 102892. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102892.

12. Yip, Ngai Ming, and Jie Chen. 2021. “The Role of Housing in China’s Social Transformation.” Housing Studies 36(4): 449–54. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1914410.

13. Deng, Lan*, Xiang Yan, and Jie Chen*. (2021). “Housing Affordability, Subsidized Lending and Cross-City Variation in the Performance of China’s Housing Provident Fund Program.” Housing Studies, 36(4): 455–78. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1585521.

14. Zhang, Haiyong; Chen, Jie*; Wang, Zhen. (2021) ‘Spatial heterogeneity in spillover effect of air pollution on housing prices: Evidence from China’, Cities, 113(June), p. 103145. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103145.

15. Chen, Jie, William Hardin, and Mingzhi Hu. 2020. “Housing, Wealth, Income and Consumption: China and Homeownership Heterogeneity.” Real Estate Economics 48 (2): 373–405. doi:10.1111/1540-6229.12245. (2020年度ISI高被引论文)

16. Chen, Jie, Mingzhi Hu, and Zhenguo Lin. (2019). “Does Housing Unaffordability Crowd out Elites in Chinese Superstar Cities?” Journal of Housing Economics 45(1):101571. doi:10.1016/j.jhe.2018.03.003.

17. Chen, Jie*; Wang, Wei (2019)."Economic incentive and settlement intentions of rural migrants: evidence from China". Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(3):372-389. doi: 10.1080/07352166.2018.1439339

18. Chen, Jie*. and Hu, Mingzhi*. (2019) “What types of homeowners are more likely to be entrepreneurs? The Evidence from China,” Small Business Economics, 52(3):633-649. doi: 10.1007/s11187-017-9976-1

19. Zhao, Renjie, Jie Chen*, Chen Feng, and Shihu Zhong. (2020). “The Impact of Anti-Corruption Measures on Land Supply and the Associated Implications: The Case of China.” Land Use Policy 95:104605. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104605  

20. Lan, Feng, Jingzeng Lv, Jie Chen*, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhuohui Zhao, and David Y. H. Pui. (2020). “Willingness to Pay for Staying Away from Haze: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Xi’an.” Journal of Environmental Management 262:110301. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110301.

21. Wu, Fulong, Jie Chen, Fenghua Pan, Nick Gallent, and Fangzhu Zhang. 2020. “Assetization: The Chinese Path to Housing Financialization.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (5): 1483–99. doi:10.1080/24694452.2020.1715195.

22. Zou, Jing, Yu Chen, and Jie Chen*. (2020). “The Complex Relationship between Neighbourhood Types and Migrants’ Socio-Economic Integration: The Case of Urban China.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 35(1):65–92. doi: 10.1007/s10901-019-09670-2.

23. Deng, Lan; Chen, Jie (2019). “Market Development, State Intervention and the Dynamics of New Housing Investment in China.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(2):223-247. doi: 10.1080/07352166.2017.1422983.

24. Liu, Cathy Yang, Chen, Jie*. and Li, Huiping. (2019) “Linking Migrant Enclave Residence to Employment in Urban China: The Case of Shanghai,” Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(2):189-205. doi: 10.1080/07352166.2017.1413286.

25. Chen, Jie., Hao, Qianjin. and Yoon, Chamna*. (2018) “Measuring the Welfare Cost of Air Pollution in Shanghai: Evidence from the Housing Market,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(10):1744-1757. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1371581.

26. Zhang, Muyang, and Chen, Jie*. (2018). “Unequal School Enrollment Rights, Rent Yields Gap, and Increased Inequality: The Case of Shanghai,” China Economic Review, 49(3):229-240. doi: 10.1016/j.chieco.2017.04.007.

27. Zhang, Li;Chen, Jie*;Hao, Qianjin;Li, Chuan-Zhong. (2018). “Measuring the NIMBY effect in urban China: the case of waste transfer stations in metropolis Shanghai”. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 33(1):1-18. doi:10.1007/s10901-017-9565-2.

28. Chen, Jie*; Zan Yang (2017). “What Do Young Adults on the Edges of Homeownership Look Like in Big Cities in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Shanghai”. Urban Studies, 54(10): 2322-2341. doi: 10.1177/0042098016646675.

29. Shi, Wei., Chen, Jie*., & Wang, Hongwei. (2016). “Affordable housing policy in China: New developments and new challenges.” Habitat International, 54(3): 224-233. doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.11.020.

30. Chen, Jie; Den, Lang* (2014). “Financing Affordable Housing through Compulsory Saving: the Two-decade Experience of Housing Provident Fund in China”. Housing Studies, 29(7): 937-958. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2014.923088.

31. Chen, Jie; Yang, Zan*; Wang, Yaping. (2014). “The New Chinese Model of Public Housing: A step forward or backward?” Housing Studies, 29(4): 534-550. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2013.873392.

32. Chen, Jie; Han, Xuehui* (2014). “The Evolution of the Housing Market and Its Socioeconomic Impacts in the Post‐reform People's Republic of China: a Survey of the Literature”. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(4): 652–670. doi: 10.1111/joes.12076.

33. Zhang, Yina, & Chen, Jie* (2014). “The Changing Prevalence of Housing Overcrowding in Post-Reform China: The case of Shanghai, 2000-2010”. Habitat International, 42(2), 214–223. doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2013.12.007.

34. Chen, Jie* & Jin, Minzhou. (2014). “Income Elasticity of Housing Demand in China: micro-data evidence from Shanghai”. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(85), 68–85. doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.809979.

35. Ying, Qianwei; Luo, Danlun; Chen, Jie*(2013). “The Determinants of Homeownership Affordability among the 'Sandwich Class': Empirical Findings from Guangzhou, China”. Urban Studies, 50(9): 1870-1888. doi: 10.1177/0042098012470398.

36. Chen, Jie. 2013. “Housing Tenure, Residential Mobility and Adolescents’ Education Achievement: Evidence from Sweden”. The Annals of Regional Science, 50(1): 275–294. doi: 10.1007/s00168-011-0478-9.

37. Chen, Jie, Feng Guo*, and Aiyong Zhu. 2011. “The Housing-led Growth Hypothesis Revisited: Evidence from the Chinese Provincial Panel Data.” Urban Studies 48(10):2049–2067. doi: 10.1177/0042098010379281.

38. Chen, Jie, Qianjin Hao, and Mark Stephens*. 2010. “Assessing Housing Affordability in Post-reform China: A Case Study of Shanghai.” Housing Studies 25(6):877–901. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2010.511153.

39. Chen, Jie. 2008. “The Effects of Housing Allowance Benefit Levels on Recipient Duration: Evidence from the Swedish 1997 Reform.” Urban Studies 45(2):347–366. doi: 10.1177/0042098007085967.

40. Chen, Jie. 2006. “Re-evaluating the Association between Housing Wealth and Aggregate Consumption: New Evidence from Sweden.” Journal of Housing Economics 15(4):321–348. doi: 10.1016/j.jhe.2006.10.004.

41. Chen, Jie*, and Cecilia Enström Öst. 2005. “Housing Allowance and the Recipient’s Homeownership: Evidence from a Panel Data Study in Sweden.” Housing Studies 20(4):605–625. doi: 10.1080/02673030500114540.


1. 胡明志与陈杰, 住房产权异质性、住房财富与社区治理参与. 社会科学战线, 2023(02): 第76-85页.

2. 王祯、张衔春、刘思绎、陈杰, 中国城市老工业园区更新的空间治理机制研究——多层次视角的分析框架. 地理研究, 2022. 41(12): 第3273-3286页.

3.  陈杰与茆三芹, 义务教育空间均衡与居住融合的互动关系研究. 社会科学辑刊, 2022(6): 第170-180页.

4. 陈杰,郭晓欣与钟世虎,城市外来劳动力市场上的农业户籍歧视:时空变化特征及影响因素. 学术月刊,2022(07): 第53-69页.

5. 陈杰, 张宇与石曼卿, 当前居家社区养老服务体系存在的短板与创新——兼论“社区+物业+养老服务”模式推广问题. 行政管理改革, 2022(06): 第84-93页.

6. 胡明志与陈杰, 创业的性别差异如何受住房自有产权的影响. 财贸经济, 2022. 43(03): 第50-66页.

7. 陈卓, 陈杰与陈健, 政治周期、官员任期与房地产投资. 中国经济问题, 2021(06): 第75-88页.

8.   陈杰, 优质高中名额再分配——“阶层混合”的政策实验与教育公平的倒逼机制. 探索与争鸣, 2021(05): 第101-109+179页.

9. 吴义东, 陈卓与陈杰, 历史记忆与居民风险忧患意识——基于非典疫情对新冠疫情防控的长期影响[J]. 产业经济评论, 2021(03): 第19-33页.

10. 陈杰, 郭晓欣与钟世虎, 户籍歧视对农村流动人口城市定居意愿的影响研究[J]. 社会科学战线, 2021(02): 第89-96页.

11.  陈杰、张燕燕, 中国住房公积金制度对城镇居民租房消费的影响——基于CHFS2017的实证研究[J]. 浙江工商大学学报, 2021(01): 第82-97页.

12. 陈杰, 大都市租赁住房发展模式的差异性及其内在逻辑——以纽约和柏林为例[J]. 国际城市规划, 2020. 35(06): 第8-15页.

13. 吴义东、陈杰*. 保障性抑或互助性:中国住房公积金制度的属性定位与改革取向[J]. 中国行政管理,2020(09): 58-66.

14. 余央央、陈杰*, 子女近邻而居,胜于同一屋檐?——居住安排与中国农村老年人认知健康. 财经研究, 2020. 46(08): 第49-63+155页.

15. 钟世虎,陈杰,向国成,唐娟. 财税政策、工农业分工与农业生产率——理论分析与经验证据[J]. 农业技术经济. 2020(02): 4-20.

16. 陈杰, 中国治理现代化要跨越“现代性”陷阱[J]. 国家治理, 2019(39): 第33-41页. (人大复印资料[中国特色社会主义理论]2010年第1期第67-72页全文转载)

17. 陈杰. 新中国70年城镇住房制度的变迁与展望[J]. 国家治理, 2019(14): 25-35. (新华文摘2019年第15期第29-34页全文转载)

18. 陈杰、吴义东. 租购同权过程中住房权与公共服务获取权的可能冲突——为“住”租房还是为“权”租房[J]. 学术月刊,2019,51(02): 44-56.

19. 陈卓、陈杰*.租住家庭占比、租房供应主体与房价[J]统计研究,2018(7):28-37

20. 范子英、张航、陈杰. 公共交通对住房市场的溢出效应与虹吸效应:以地铁为例[J]中国工业经济,2018(5):99-117.

21. 徐升艳、陈杰*、赵刚.土地出让市场化如何影响经济增长[J]中国工业经济,2018(3):176-193.

22. 魏玮、陈杰*. 加杠杆是否一定会成为房价上涨的助推器?——来自省际面板门槛模型的证据[J]金融研究,2017(12):51-66.

23. 张牧扬、陈杰*、石薇. 租金率折价视角的学区价值测度——来自上海二手房市场的证据[J]金融研究,2016(6):98-112.

24. 陈杰*、农汇福. 保障房挤出效应的存在性及其时空异质性:基于省级面板门限模型的证据[J]. 统计研究,2016, 33(4): 27-35.

25. 陈杰. 经济新常态下的中国城镇化发展模式转型[J].城市规划学刊,2016(3):30-35

26. 张牧扬、陈杰*、石薇. 交易环节税率差别对房价的影响——来自上海二手房数据的实证研究证据[J]财政研究,2016(2):79-93.

27. 罗党论、佘国满、陈杰*.“经济增长业绩与地方官员晋升的关联性再审视——新理论和基于地级市数据的新证据”[J]. 经济学季刊,2015, 13(3):1145-1172.

28. 杨赞、张欢、陈杰*. 再购房潜在动机如何影响住房的财富效应?——基于城镇住户大样本调查数据的微观层面分析[J].财经研究,2014(7): 54-64.

29. 陈杰、郝前进. 快速城市化进程中的居住隔离——来自上海的实证研究[J]. 学术月刊,2014(5): 17-28.(人大报刊复印资料—人口学[F107]2014年第5期全文转载)

30. 杨赞、赵丽清、陈杰*.中国城镇老年家庭的消费行为特征研究[J]. 统计研究,2013(12): 83-88.

31. 陈健, 陈杰*, 高波. 信贷约束、房价与居民消费率——基于面板门槛模型的研究[J]. 金融研究 2012(4): 45-57. (2017年获得山东省第三十一次社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖)


1.  陈杰、陆铭、黄益平、潘英丽(2017).《房地产与城市发展:问题与对策》.中信出版集团:北京. 2017年4月. ISBN:9787508673264

2. 陈杰、[英]马克.斯蒂芬斯,[美]满燕云编著,陈杰(译)(2015). 《公共住房的未来:东西方的现状与趋势》. 中信出版社:北京. 2015年9月。ISBN: 978-7-5086-5350-1. (该书获得2016年上海市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果著作二等奖)

3.  胡怡建、陈杰(编著). 《迈向全球城市的公共政策挑战与治理创新——上海能从世界学习到什么》. 经济科学出版社:北京;  2014年12月。ISBN: 978-7-5141-5218-0.

4.  Chen, Jie; Man, Yanyun; Mark Stephens (2014): The Future of Public Housing: Ongoing Trends in the East and the West. Springer. 325pp. ISBN 978-3-642-41621-7;

5.  Yang, Zan & Chen, Jie. (2014). Housing Affordability and Housing Policy in Urban China. Berlin and New York: Springer.141pp. ISBN:978-3-642-54044-8.

6.  陈杰(2009).《城市居民住房解决方案:理论与国际经验》. 上海财经大学出版社:上海,2009年1月,ISBN: 978-7-5642-0369-6/F.0369,23万字, 246页(该书获得2010年上海市第八届邓小平理论研究和宣传优秀成果奖著作三等奖)





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